1 /*
2 * $Id: Chunk.java 3427 2008-05-24 18:32:31Z xlv $
3 *
4 * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Bruno Lowagie.
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
7 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
9 *
10 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
12 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
13 *
14 * The Original Code is 'iText, a free JAVA-PDF library'.
15 *
16 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bruno Lowagie. Portions created by
17 * the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Bruno Lowagie.
18 * All Rights Reserved.
19 * Co-Developer of the code is Paulo Soares. Portions created by the Co-Developer
20 * are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved.
21 *
22 * Contributor(s): all the names of the contributors are added in the source code
23 * where applicable.
24 *
25 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
26 * LGPL license (the "GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"), in which case the
27 * provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to
28 * allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL
29 * License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under
30 * the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
31 * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL.
32 * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version
33 * of this file under either the MPL or the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
34 *
35 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
36 * under the terms of the MPL as stated above or under the terms of the GNU
37 * Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
38 * either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
39 *
40 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
41 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
42 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library general Public License for more
43 * details.
44 *
45 * If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if
46 * you aren't using an obsolete version:
47 * http://www.lowagie.com/iText/
48 */
50 package com.lowagie.text;
52 import java.awt.Color;
53 import java.net.URL;
54 import java.util.ArrayList;
55 import java.util.HashMap;
57 import com.lowagie.text.pdf.HyphenationEvent;
58 import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAction;
59 import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAnnotation;
60 import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;
61 import com.lowagie.text.pdf.draw.DrawInterface;
63 /**
64 * This is the smallest significant part of text that can be added to a
65 * document.
66 * <P>
67 * Most elements can be divided in one or more <CODE>Chunk</CODE>s. A chunk
68 * is a <CODE>String</CODE> with a certain <CODE>Font</CODE>. All other
69 * layout parameters should be defined in the object to which this chunk of text
70 * is added.
71 * <P>
72 * Example: <BLOCKQUOTE>
73 *
74 * <PRE>
75 *
76 * <STRONG>Chunk chunk = new Chunk("Hello world",
77 * FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.COURIER, 20, Font.ITALIC, new Color(255, 0,
78 * 0))); </STRONG> document.add(chunk);
79 *
80 * </PRE>
81 *
83 */
85 public class Chunk implements Element {
87 // public static membervariables
89 /** The character stand in for an image or a separator. */
90 public static final String OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = "\ufffc";
92 /** This is a Chunk containing a newline. */
93 public static final Chunk NEWLINE = new Chunk("\n");
95 /** This is a Chunk containing a newpage. */
96 public static final Chunk NEXTPAGE = new Chunk("");
97 static {
98 NEXTPAGE.setNewPage();
99 }
101 // member variables
103 /** This is the content of this chunk of text. */
104 protected StringBuffer content = null;
106 /** This is the <CODE>Font</CODE> of this chunk of text. */
107 protected Font font = null;
109 /** Contains some of the attributes for this Chunk. */
110 protected HashMap attributes = null;
112 // constructors
114 /**
115 * Empty constructor.
116 */
117 public Chunk() {
118 this.content = new StringBuffer();
119 this.font = new Font();
120 }
122 /**
123 * A <CODE>Chunk</CODE> copy constructor.
124 * @param ck the <CODE>Chunk</CODE> to be copied
125 */
126 public Chunk(Chunk ck) {
127 if (ck.content != null) {
128 content = new StringBuffer(ck.content.toString());
129 }
130 if (ck.font != null) {
131 font = new Font(ck.font);
132 }
133 if (ck.attributes != null) {
134 attributes = new HashMap(ck.attributes);
135 }
136 }
138 /**
139 * Constructs a chunk of text with a certain content and a certain <CODE>
140 * Font</CODE>.
141 *
142 * @param content
143 * the content
144 * @param font
145 * the font
146 */
147 public Chunk(String content, Font font) {
148 this.content = new StringBuffer(content);
149 this.font = font;
150 }
152 /**
153 * Constructs a chunk of text with a certain content, without specifying a
154 * <CODE>Font</CODE>.
155 *
156 * @param content
157 * the content
158 */
159 public Chunk(String content) {
160 this(content, new Font());
161 }
163 /**
164 * Constructs a chunk of text with a char and a certain <CODE>Font</CODE>.
165 *
166 * @param c
167 * the content
168 * @param font
169 * the font
170 */
171 public Chunk(char c, Font font) {
172 this.content = new StringBuffer();
173 this.content.append(c);
174 this.font = font;
175 }
177 /**
178 * Constructs a chunk of text with a char, without specifying a <CODE>Font
179 * </CODE>.
180 *
181 * @param c
182 * the content
183 */
184 public Chunk(char c) {
185 this(c, new Font());
186 }
188 /**
189 * Constructs a chunk containing an <CODE>Image</CODE>.
190 *
191 * @param image
192 * the image
193 * @param offsetX
194 * the image offset in the x direction
195 * @param offsetY
196 * the image offset in the y direction
197 */
198 public Chunk(Image image, float offsetX, float offsetY) {
200 Image copyImage = Image.getInstance(image);
201 copyImage.setAbsolutePosition(Float.NaN, Float.NaN);
202 setAttribute(IMAGE, new Object[] { copyImage, new Float(offsetX),
203 new Float(offsetY), Boolean.FALSE });
204 }
206 /**
207 * Key for drawInterface of the Separator.
208 * @since 2.1.2
209 */
210 public static final String SEPARATOR = "SEPARATOR";
212 /**
213 * Creates a separator Chunk.
214 * Note that separator chunks can't be used in combination with tab chunks!
215 * @param separator the drawInterface to use to draw the separator.
216 * @since 2.1.2
217 */
218 public Chunk(DrawInterface separator) {
219 this(separator, false);
220 }
222 /**
223 * Creates a separator Chunk.
224 * Note that separator chunks can't be used in combination with tab chunks!
225 * @param separator the drawInterface to use to draw the separator.
226 * @param vertical true if this is a vertical separator
227 * @since 2.1.2
228 */
229 public Chunk(DrawInterface separator, boolean vertical) {
231 setAttribute(SEPARATOR, new Object[] {separator, Boolean.valueOf(vertical)});
232 }
234 /**
235 * Key for drawInterface of the tab.
236 * @since 2.1.2
237 */
238 public static final String TAB = "TAB";
240 /**
241 * Creates a tab Chunk.
242 * Note that separator chunks can't be used in combination with tab chunks!
243 * @param separator the drawInterface to use to draw the tab.
244 * @param tabPosition an X coordinate that will be used as start position for the next Chunk.
245 * @since 2.1.2
246 */
247 public Chunk(DrawInterface separator, float tabPosition) {
248 this(separator, tabPosition, false);
249 }
251 /**
252 * Creates a tab Chunk.
253 * Note that separator chunks can't be used in combination with tab chunks!
254 * @param separator the drawInterface to use to draw the tab.
255 * @param tabPosition an X coordinate that will be used as start position for the next Chunk.
256 * @param newline if true, a newline will be added if the tabPosition has already been reached.
257 * @since 2.1.2
258 */
259 public Chunk(DrawInterface separator, float tabPosition, boolean newline) {
261 if (tabPosition < 0) {
262 throw new IllegalArgumentException("A tab position may not be lower than 0; yours is " + tabPosition);
263 }
264 setAttribute(TAB, new Object[] {separator, new Float(tabPosition), Boolean.valueOf(newline), new Float(0)});
265 }
267 /**
268 * Constructs a chunk containing an <CODE>Image</CODE>.
269 *
270 * @param image
271 * the image
272 * @param offsetX
273 * the image offset in the x direction
274 * @param offsetY
275 * the image offset in the y direction
276 * @param changeLeading
277 * true if the leading has to be adapted to the image
278 */
279 public Chunk(Image image, float offsetX, float offsetY,
280 boolean changeLeading) {
282 setAttribute(IMAGE, new Object[] { image, new Float(offsetX),
283 new Float(offsetY), Boolean.valueOf(changeLeading) });
284 }
286 // implementation of the Element-methods
288 /**
289 * Processes the element by adding it (or the different parts) to an <CODE>
290 * ElementListener</CODE>.
291 *
292 * @param listener
293 * an <CODE>ElementListener</CODE>
294 * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the element was processed successfully
295 */
296 public boolean process(ElementListener listener) {
297 try {
298 return listener.add(this);
299 } catch (DocumentException de) {
300 return false;
301 }
302 }
304 /**
305 * Gets the type of the text element.
306 *
307 * @return a type
308 */
309 public int type() {
310 return Element.CHUNK;
311 }
313 /**
314 * Gets all the chunks in this element.
315 *
316 * @return an <CODE>ArrayList</CODE>
317 */
318 public ArrayList getChunks() {
319 ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList();
320 tmp.add(this);
321 return tmp;
322 }
324 // methods that change the member variables
326 /**
327 * appends some text to this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
328 *
329 * @param string
330 * <CODE>String</CODE>
331 * @return a <CODE>StringBuffer</CODE>
332 */
333 public StringBuffer append(String string) {
334 return content.append(string);
335 }
337 /**
338 * Sets the font of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
339 *
340 * @param font
341 * a <CODE>Font</CODE>
342 */
343 public void setFont(Font font) {
344 this.font = font;
345 }
347 // methods to retrieve information
349 /**
350 * Gets the font of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
351 *
352 * @return a <CODE>Font</CODE>
353 */
354 public Font getFont() {
355 return font;
356 }
358 /**
359 * Returns the content of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
360 *
361 * @return a <CODE>String</CODE>
362 */
363 public String getContent() {
364 return content.toString();
365 }
367 /**
368 * Returns the content of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
369 *
370 * @return a <CODE>String</CODE>
371 */
372 public String toString() {
373 return getContent();
374 }
376 /**
377 * Checks is this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> is empty.
378 *
379 * @return <CODE>false</CODE> if the Chunk contains other characters than
380 * space.
381 */
382 public boolean isEmpty() {
383 return (content.toString().trim().length() == 0)
384 && (content.toString().indexOf("\n") == -1)
385 && (attributes == null);
386 }
388 /**
389 * Gets the width of the Chunk in points.
390 *
391 * @return a width in points
392 */
393 public float getWidthPoint() {
394 if (getImage() != null) {
395 return getImage().getScaledWidth();
396 }
397 return font.getCalculatedBaseFont(true).getWidthPoint(getContent(),
398 font.getCalculatedSize())
399 * getHorizontalScaling();
400 }
402 // attributes
404 /**
405 * Checks the attributes of this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
406 *
407 * @return false if there aren't any.
408 */
410 public boolean hasAttributes() {
411 return attributes != null;
412 }
414 /**
415 * Gets the attributes for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
416 * <P>
417 * It may be null.
418 *
419 * @return the attributes for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
420 */
422 public HashMap getAttributes() {
423 return attributes;
424 }
426 /**
427 * Sets the attributes all at once.
428 * @param attributes the attributes of a Chunk
429 */
430 public void setAttributes(HashMap attributes) {
431 this.attributes = attributes;
432 }
434 /**
435 * Sets an arbitrary attribute.
436 *
437 * @param name
438 * the key for the attribute
439 * @param obj
440 * the value of the attribute
441 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
442 */
444 private Chunk setAttribute(String name, Object obj) {
445 if (attributes == null)
446 attributes = new HashMap();
447 attributes.put(name, obj);
448 return this;
449 }
451 // the attributes are ordered as they appear in the book 'iText in Action'
453 /** Key for text horizontal scaling. */
454 public static final String HSCALE = "HSCALE";
456 /**
457 * Sets the text horizontal scaling. A value of 1 is normal and a value of
458 * 0.5f shrinks the text to half it's width.
459 *
460 * @param scale
461 * the horizontal scaling factor
462 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
463 */
464 public Chunk setHorizontalScaling(float scale) {
465 return setAttribute(HSCALE, new Float(scale));
466 }
468 /**
469 * Gets the horizontal scaling.
470 *
471 * @return a percentage in float
472 */
473 public float getHorizontalScaling() {
474 if (attributes == null)
475 return 1f;
476 Float f = (Float) attributes.get(HSCALE);
477 if (f == null)
478 return 1f;
479 return f.floatValue();
480 }
482 /** Key for underline. */
483 public static final String UNDERLINE = "UNDERLINE";
485 /**
486 * Sets an horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough.
487 * Actually, the line can be anywhere vertically and has always the <CODE>
488 * Chunk</CODE> width. Multiple call to this method will produce multiple
489 * lines.
490 *
491 * @param thickness
492 * the absolute thickness of the line
493 * @param yPosition
494 * the absolute y position relative to the baseline
495 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
496 */
497 public Chunk setUnderline(float thickness, float yPosition) {
498 return setUnderline(null, thickness, 0f, yPosition, 0f,
499 PdfContentByte.LINE_CAP_BUTT);
500 }
502 /**
503 * Sets an horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough.
504 * Actually, the line can be anywhere vertically and has always the <CODE>
505 * Chunk</CODE> width. Multiple call to this method will produce multiple
506 * lines.
507 *
508 * @param color
509 * the color of the line or <CODE>null</CODE> to follow the
510 * text color
511 * @param thickness
512 * the absolute thickness of the line
513 * @param thicknessMul
514 * the thickness multiplication factor with the font size
515 * @param yPosition
516 * the absolute y position relative to the baseline
517 * @param yPositionMul
518 * the position multiplication factor with the font size
519 * @param cap
520 * the end line cap. Allowed values are
521 * PdfContentByte.LINE_CAP_BUTT, PdfContentByte.LINE_CAP_ROUND
523 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
524 */
525 public Chunk setUnderline(Color color, float thickness, float thicknessMul,
526 float yPosition, float yPositionMul, int cap) {
527 if (attributes == null)
528 attributes = new HashMap();
529 Object obj[] = {
530 color,
531 new float[] { thickness, thicknessMul, yPosition, yPositionMul, cap } };
532 Object unders[][] = Utilities.addToArray((Object[][]) attributes.get(UNDERLINE),
533 obj);
534 return setAttribute(UNDERLINE, unders);
535 }
537 /** Key for sub/superscript. */
538 public static final String SUBSUPSCRIPT = "SUBSUPSCRIPT";
540 /**
541 * Sets the text displacement relative to the baseline. Positive values rise
542 * the text, negative values lower the text.
543 * <P>
544 * It can be used to implement sub/superscript.
545 *
546 * @param rise
547 * the displacement in points
548 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
549 */
551 public Chunk setTextRise(float rise) {
552 return setAttribute(SUBSUPSCRIPT, new Float(rise));
553 }
555 /**
556 * Gets the text displacement relative to the baseline.
557 *
558 * @return a displacement in points
559 */
560 public float getTextRise() {
561 if (attributes != null && attributes.containsKey(SUBSUPSCRIPT)) {
562 Float f = (Float) attributes.get(SUBSUPSCRIPT);
563 return f.floatValue();
564 }
565 return 0.0f;
566 }
568 /** Key for text skewing. */
569 public static final String SKEW = "SKEW";
571 /**
572 * Skews the text to simulate italic and other effects. Try <CODE>alpha=0
573 * </CODE> and <CODE>beta=12</CODE>.
574 *
575 * @param alpha
576 * the first angle in degrees
577 * @param beta
578 * the second angle in degrees
579 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
580 */
581 public Chunk setSkew(float alpha, float beta) {
582 alpha = (float) Math.tan(alpha * Math.PI / 180);
583 beta = (float) Math.tan(beta * Math.PI / 180);
584 return setAttribute(SKEW, new float[] { alpha, beta });
585 }
587 /** Key for background. */
588 public static final String BACKGROUND = "BACKGROUND";
590 /**
591 * Sets the color of the background <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
592 *
593 * @param color
594 * the color of the background
595 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
596 */
597 public Chunk setBackground(Color color) {
598 return setBackground(color, 0, 0, 0, 0);
599 }
601 /**
602 * Sets the color and the size of the background <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
603 *
604 * @param color
605 * the color of the background
606 * @param extraLeft
607 * increase the size of the rectangle in the left
608 * @param extraBottom
609 * increase the size of the rectangle in the bottom
610 * @param extraRight
611 * increase the size of the rectangle in the right
612 * @param extraTop
613 * increase the size of the rectangle in the top
614 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
615 */
616 public Chunk setBackground(Color color, float extraLeft, float extraBottom,
617 float extraRight, float extraTop) {
618 return setAttribute(BACKGROUND, new Object[] { color,
619 new float[] { extraLeft, extraBottom, extraRight, extraTop } });
620 }
622 /** Key for text rendering mode. */
623 public static final String TEXTRENDERMODE = "TEXTRENDERMODE";
625 /**
626 * Sets the text rendering mode. It can outline text, simulate bold and make
627 * text invisible.
628 *
629 * @param mode
630 * the text rendering mode. It can be <CODE>
635 * @param strokeWidth
636 * the stroke line width for the modes <CODE>
637 * PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_STROKE</CODE> and <CODE>
639 * @param strokeColor
640 * the stroke color or <CODE>null</CODE> to follow the text
641 * color
642 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
643 */
644 public Chunk setTextRenderMode(int mode, float strokeWidth,
645 Color strokeColor) {
646 return setAttribute(TEXTRENDERMODE, new Object[] { new Integer(mode),
647 new Float(strokeWidth), strokeColor });
648 }
650 /** Key for split character. */
651 public static final String SPLITCHARACTER = "SPLITCHARACTER";
653 /**
654 * Sets the split characters.
655 *
656 * @param splitCharacter
657 * the <CODE>SplitCharacter</CODE> interface
658 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
659 */
661 public Chunk setSplitCharacter(SplitCharacter splitCharacter) {
662 return setAttribute(SPLITCHARACTER, splitCharacter);
663 }
665 /** Key for hyphenation. */
666 public static final String HYPHENATION = "HYPHENATION";
668 /**
669 * sets the hyphenation engine to this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
670 *
671 * @param hyphenation
672 * the hyphenation engine
673 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
674 */
675 public Chunk setHyphenation(HyphenationEvent hyphenation) {
676 return setAttribute(HYPHENATION, hyphenation);
677 }
679 /** Key for remote goto. */
680 public static final String REMOTEGOTO = "REMOTEGOTO";
682 /**
683 * Sets a goto for a remote destination for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
684 *
685 * @param filename
686 * the file name of the destination document
687 * @param name
688 * the name of the destination to go to
689 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
690 */
692 public Chunk setRemoteGoto(String filename, String name) {
693 return setAttribute(REMOTEGOTO, new Object[] { filename, name });
694 }
696 /**
697 * Sets a goto for a remote destination for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
698 *
699 * @param filename
700 * the file name of the destination document
701 * @param page
702 * the page of the destination to go to. First page is 1
703 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
704 */
706 public Chunk setRemoteGoto(String filename, int page) {
707 return setAttribute(REMOTEGOTO, new Object[] { filename,
708 new Integer(page) });
709 }
711 /** Key for local goto. */
712 public static final String LOCALGOTO = "LOCALGOTO";
714 /**
715 * Sets a local goto for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
716 * <P>
717 * There must be a local destination matching the name.
718 *
719 * @param name
720 * the name of the destination to go to
721 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
722 */
724 public Chunk setLocalGoto(String name) {
725 return setAttribute(LOCALGOTO, name);
726 }
728 /** Key for local destination. */
729 public static final String LOCALDESTINATION = "LOCALDESTINATION";
731 /**
732 * Sets a local destination for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
733 *
734 * @param name
735 * the name for this destination
736 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
737 */
738 public Chunk setLocalDestination(String name) {
739 return setAttribute(LOCALDESTINATION, name);
740 }
742 /** Key for generic tag. */
743 public static final String GENERICTAG = "GENERICTAG";
745 /**
746 * Sets the generic tag <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
747 * <P>
748 * The text for this tag can be retrieved with <CODE>PdfPageEvent</CODE>.
749 *
750 * @param text
751 * the text for the tag
752 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
753 */
755 public Chunk setGenericTag(String text) {
756 return setAttribute(GENERICTAG, text);
757 }
759 /** Key for image. */
760 public static final String IMAGE = "IMAGE";
762 /**
763 * Returns the image.
764 *
765 * @return the image
766 */
768 public Image getImage() {
769 if (attributes == null)
770 return null;
771 Object obj[] = (Object[]) attributes.get(Chunk.IMAGE);
772 if (obj == null)
773 return null;
774 else {
775 return (Image) obj[0];
776 }
777 }
779 /** Key for Action. */
780 public static final String ACTION = "ACTION";
782 /**
783 * Sets an action for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
784 *
785 * @param action
786 * the action
787 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
788 */
790 public Chunk setAction(PdfAction action) {
791 return setAttribute(ACTION, action);
792 }
794 /**
795 * Sets an anchor for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
796 *
797 * @param url
798 * the <CODE>URL</CODE> to link to
799 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
800 */
802 public Chunk setAnchor(URL url) {
803 return setAttribute(ACTION, new PdfAction(url.toExternalForm()));
804 }
806 /**
807 * Sets an anchor for this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
808 *
809 * @param url
810 * the url to link to
811 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
812 */
814 public Chunk setAnchor(String url) {
815 return setAttribute(ACTION, new PdfAction(url));
816 }
818 /** Key for newpage. */
819 public static final String NEWPAGE = "NEWPAGE";
821 /**
822 * Sets a new page tag..
823 *
824 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
825 */
827 public Chunk setNewPage() {
828 return setAttribute(NEWPAGE, null);
829 }
831 /** Key for annotation. */
832 public static final String PDFANNOTATION = "PDFANNOTATION";
834 /**
835 * Sets a generic annotation to this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
836 *
837 * @param annotation
838 * the annotation
839 * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
840 */
841 public Chunk setAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annotation) {
842 return setAttribute(PDFANNOTATION, annotation);
843 }
845 /**
846 * @see com.lowagie.text.Element#isContent()
847 * @since iText 2.0.8
848 */
849 public boolean isContent() {
850 return true;
851 }
853 /**
854 * @see com.lowagie.text.Element#isNestable()
855 * @since iText 2.0.8
856 */
857 public boolean isNestable() {
858 return true;
859 }
861 /**
862 * Returns the hyphenation (if present).
863 * @since 2.1.2
864 */
865 public HyphenationEvent getHyphenation() {
866 if (attributes == null) return null;
867 return (HyphenationEvent) attributes.get(Chunk.HYPHENATION);
868 }
870 // keys used in PdfChunk
872 /** Key for color. */
873 public static final String COLOR = "COLOR";
875 /** Key for encoding. */
876 public static final String ENCODING = "ENCODING";
878 }