(Implementation of a Coyote connector) | ||
- URIEncoding | UTF-8 | (Character encoding used to decode the URI) |
- acceptCount | 100 | (The accept count for this Connector) |
- address | null | (The IP address on which to bind) |
- ajpFlush | null | (Send AJP flush package for each explicit flush) |
- allowTrace | false | (Allow disabling TRACE method) |
- allowedRequestAttributesPattern | null | (Regular expression that any custom request attributes muct match else the request will be rejected) |
- ciphers | HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!kRSA | (Comma-separated list of requested cipher suites) |
- ciphersUsed | null | (Array of ciphers suites in use) |
- className | null | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- connectionLinger | -1 | (Linger value on the incoming connection) |
- connectionTimeout | 20 000 | (Timeout value on the incoming connection) |
- enableLookups | false | (The 'enable DNS lookups' flag for this Connector) |
- executorName | Internal | (The name of the executor - if any - associated with this Connector) |
- keepAliveTimeout | 20 000 | (The number of milliseconds Tomcat will wait for a subsequent request before closing the connection) |
- localPort | 80 | (The port number on which this connector is listening to requests. If the special value for port of zero is used then this method will report the actual port bound.) |
- maxHeaderCount | 100 | (The maximum number of headers that are allowed by the container. 100 by default. A value of less than 0 means no limit.) |
- maxKeepAliveRequests | 100 | (Maximum number of Keep-Alive requests to honor per connection) |
- maxParameterCount | 1 000 | (The maximum number of parameters (GET plus POST) which will be automatically parsed by the container. 10000 by default. A value of less than 0 means no limit.) |
- maxPostSize | 2 097 152 | (Maximum size in bytes of a POST which will be handled by the servlet API provided features) |
- maxSavePostSize | 4 096 | (Maximum size of a POST which will be saved by the container during authentication) |
- maxSwallowSize | 2 097 152 | (The maximum number of request body bytes to be swallowed by Tomcat for an aborted upload) |
- maxThreads | 200 | (The maximum number of request processing threads to be created for the internal Executor. -1 indicates an external Executor is being used.) |
- minSpareThreads | 10 | (The number of request processing threads that will be created for the internal Executor. -1 indicates an external Executor is being used.) |
- modelerType | null | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- packetSize | null | (The ajp packet size.) |
- port | 80 | (The port number (excluding any offset) on which this connector is configured to listen for requests. The special value of 0 means select a random free port when the socket is bound.) |
- portOffset | 0 | (The offset that will be applied to port to determine the actual port number used.) |
- portWithOffset | 80 | (The actual port number (including any offset) on which this connector is configured to listen for requests.) |
- processorCache | 200 | (The processor cache size.) |
- protocol | HTTP/1.1 | (Coyote protocol handler in use) |
- protocolHandlerClassName | org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol | (Coyote Protocol handler class name) |
- proxyName | null | (The Server name to which we should pretend requests to this Connector) |
- proxyPort | 0 | (The Server port to which we should pretend requests to this Connector) |
- redirectPort | 443 | (The redirect port (excluding any offset) for non-SSL to SSL redirects) |
- redirectPortWithOffset | 443 | (The actual redirect port (including any offset) for non-SSL to SSL redirects.) |
- scheme | http | (Protocol name for this Connector (http, https)) |
- secretRequired | null | (Must secret be set to a non-null, non-zero-length String?) |
- secure | false | (Is this a secure (SSL) Connector?) |
- sslProtocols | null | (Comma-separated list of SSL protocol variants to be enabled) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- tcpNoDelay | true | (Should we use TCP no delay?) |
- threadPriority | 5 | (The thread priority for processors using the internal Executor. -1 indicates an external Executor is being used.) |
- useBodyEncodingForURI | false | (Should the body encoding be used for URI query parameters) |
- useIPVHosts | false | (Should IP-based virtual hosting be used? ) |
- xpoweredBy | false | (Is generation of X-Powered-By response header enabled/disabled?) |
- abandonedUsageTracking | false | (Introspected attribute abandonedUsageTracking) |
- accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed | false | (Introspected attribute accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed) |
- autoCommitOnReturn | true | (Introspected attribute autoCommitOnReturn) |
- cacheState | true | (Introspected attribute cacheState) |
- closed | false | (Introspected attribute closed) |
- connectionFactoryClassName | null | (Introspected attribute connectionFactoryClassName) |
- connectionInitSqlsAsArray | [] | (Introspected attribute connectionInitSqlsAsArray) |
- defaultAutoCommit | null | (Introspected attribute defaultAutoCommit) |
- defaultCatalog | null | (Introspected attribute defaultCatalog) |
- defaultQueryTimeout | null | (Introspected attribute defaultQueryTimeout) |
- defaultReadOnly | null | (Introspected attribute defaultReadOnly) |
- defaultSchema | null | (Introspected attribute defaultSchema) |
- defaultTransactionIsolation | -1 | (Introspected attribute defaultTransactionIsolation) |
- disconnectionSqlCodesAsArray | [] | (Introspected attribute disconnectionSqlCodesAsArray) |
- driverClassName | org.h2.Driver | (Introspected attribute driverClassName) |
- enableAutoCommitOnReturn | true | (Introspected attribute enableAutoCommitOnReturn) |
- evictionPolicyClassName | org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.pool2.impl.DefaultEvictionPolicy | (Introspected attribute evictionPolicyClassName) |
- fastFailValidation | false | (Introspected attribute fastFailValidation) |
- initialSize | 0 | (Introspected attribute initialSize) |
- jmxName | Catalina:type=DataSource,host=localhost,context=/demo,class=javax.sql.DataSource,name="jdbc/demo_javamelody" | (Introspected attribute jmxName) |
- lifo | true | (Introspected attribute lifo) |
- logAbandoned | false | (Introspected attribute logAbandoned) |
- logExpiredConnections | true | (Introspected attribute logExpiredConnections) |
- maxConnLifetimeMillis | -1 | (Introspected attribute maxConnLifetimeMillis) |
- maxIdle | 10 | (Introspected attribute maxIdle) |
- maxOpenPreparedStatements | -1 | (Introspected attribute maxOpenPreparedStatements) |
- maxTotal | 100 | (Introspected attribute maxTotal) |
- maxWaitMillis | 30 000 | (Introspected attribute maxWaitMillis) |
- minEvictableIdleTimeMillis | 1 800 000 | (Introspected attribute minEvictableIdleTimeMillis) |
- minIdle | 0 | (Introspected attribute minIdle) |
- modelerType | org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSource | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- numActive | 10 | (Introspected attribute numActive) |
- numIdle | 1 | (Introspected attribute numIdle) |
- numTestsPerEvictionRun | 3 | (Introspected attribute numTestsPerEvictionRun) |
- poolPreparedStatements | false | (Introspected attribute poolPreparedStatements) |
- removeAbandonedOnBorrow | false | (Introspected attribute removeAbandonedOnBorrow) |
- removeAbandonedOnMaintenance | false | (Introspected attribute removeAbandonedOnMaintenance) |
- removeAbandonedTimeout | 300 | (Introspected attribute removeAbandonedTimeout) |
- rollbackOnReturn | true | (Introspected attribute rollbackOnReturn) |
- softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis | -1 | (Introspected attribute softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis) |
- testOnBorrow | true | (Introspected attribute testOnBorrow) |
- testOnCreate | false | (Introspected attribute testOnCreate) |
- testOnReturn | false | (Introspected attribute testOnReturn) |
- testWhileIdle | false | (Introspected attribute testWhileIdle) |
- timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis | -1 | (Introspected attribute timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis) |
- url | jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2 | (Introspected attribute url) |
- username | sa | (Introspected attribute username) |
- validationQuery | null | (Introspected attribute validationQuery) |
- validationQueryTimeout | -1 | (Introspected attribute validationQueryTimeout) |
- AbandonedConfig | false | |
- BlockWhenExhausted | true | |
- BorrowedCount | 976 | |
- Closed | false | |
- CreatedCount | 11 | |
- CreationStackTrace | java.lang.Exception at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.pool2.impl.BaseGenericObjectPool.<init>(BaseGenericObjectPool.java:147) at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.<init>(GenericObjectPool.java:109) at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSource.createObjectPool(BasicDataSource.java:628) at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSource.createConnectionPool(BasicDataSource.java:492) at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(BasicDataSource.java:558) at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSource.getConnection(BasicDataSource.java:753) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566) at net.bull.javamelody.JdbcWrapper$3.invoke(JdbcWrapper.java:812) at net.bull.javamelody.JdbcWrapper$DelegatingInvocationHandler.invoke(JdbcWrapper.java:306) at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy5.getConnection(Unknown Source) at net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.JavaInformations.buildDataBaseVersion(JavaInformations.java:426) at net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.JavaInformations.<init>(JavaInformations.java:200) at net.bull.javamelody.internal.web.MonitoringController.doActionIfNeededAndReport(MonitoringController.java:158) at net.bull.javamelody.MonitoringFilter.doMonitoring(MonitoringFilter.java:408) at net.bull.javamelody.MonitoringFilter.doFilter(MonitoringFilter.java:206) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:193) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:166) at fr.spi4j.filter.HttpSessionFilter.doFilter(HttpSessionFilter.java:69) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:193) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:166) at net.bull.javamelody.MonitoringFilter.doFilter(MonitoringFilter.java:199) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:193) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:166) at ForbiddenActionsFilter.doFilter(ForbiddenActionsFilter.java:24) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:193) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:166) at fr.spi4j.lib.security.RemoteUserFilter.doFilter(RemoteUserFilter.java:66) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:193) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:166) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:202) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:96) at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:541) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:139) at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:92) at org.apache.catalina.valves.AbstractAccessLogValve.invoke(AbstractAccessLogValve.java:688) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:74) at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:343) at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service(Http11Processor.java:373) at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(AbstractProcessorLight.java:65) at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:868) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$SocketProcessor.doRun(NioEndpoint.java:1594) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SocketProcessorBase.run(SocketProcessorBase.java:49) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628) at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:61) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) | |
- DestroyedByBorrowValidationCount | 0 | |
- DestroyedByEvictorCount | 0 | |
- DestroyedCount | 0 | |
- FactoryType | org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.PoolableConnectionFactory<org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.PoolableConnection> | |
- Fairness | false | |
- Lifo | true | |
- LogAbandoned | false | |
- MaxBorrowWaitTimeMillis | 39 | |
- MaxIdle | 10 | |
- MaxTotal | 100 | |
- MaxWaitMillis | 30 000 | |
- MeanActiveTimeMillis | 1 | |
- MeanBorrowWaitTimeMillis | 0 | |
- MeanIdleTimeMillis | 2 595 175 | |
- MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis | 1 800 000 | |
- MinIdle | 0 | |
- NumActive | 10 | |
- NumIdle | 1 | |
- NumTestsPerEvictionRun | 3 | |
- NumWaiters | 0 | |
- RemoveAbandonedOnBorrow | false | |
- RemoveAbandonedOnMaintenance | false | |
- RemoveAbandonedTimeout | 2 147 483 647 | |
- ReturnedCount | 966 | |
- TestOnBorrow | true | |
- TestOnCreate | false | |
- TestOnReturn | false | |
- TestWhileIdle | false | |
- TimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis | -1 |
- AutoCommit | false | |
- CacheState | true | |
- Catalog | H2 | |
- Closed | false | |
- Holdability | 1 | |
- ReadOnly | false | |
- Schema | PUBLIC | |
- ToString | 783024975, URL=jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2, UserName=SA, H2 JDBC Driver | |
- TransactionIsolation | 2 |
- AutoCommit | false | |
- CacheState | true | |
- Catalog | H2 | |
- Closed | false | |
- Holdability | 1 | |
- ReadOnly | false | |
- Schema | PUBLIC | |
- ToString | 1977401306, URL=jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2, UserName=SA, H2 JDBC Driver | |
- TransactionIsolation | 2 |
- CacheState | true | |
- Closed | true | |
- ToString | 185971658, URL=jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2, UserName=SA, H2 JDBC Driver |
- AutoCommit | false | |
- CacheState | true | |
- Catalog | H2 | |
- Closed | false | |
- Holdability | 1 | |
- ReadOnly | false | |
- Schema | PUBLIC | |
- ToString | 521692877, URL=jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2, UserName=SA, H2 JDBC Driver | |
- TransactionIsolation | 2 |
- AutoCommit | false | |
- CacheState | true | |
- Catalog | H2 | |
- Closed | false | |
- Holdability | 1 | |
- ReadOnly | false | |
- Schema | PUBLIC | |
- ToString | 2092233560, URL=jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2, UserName=SA, H2 JDBC Driver | |
- TransactionIsolation | 2 |
- AutoCommit | false | |
- CacheState | true | |
- Catalog | H2 | |
- Closed | false | |
- Holdability | 1 | |
- ReadOnly | false | |
- Schema | PUBLIC | |
- ToString | 1250622393, URL=jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2, UserName=SA, H2 JDBC Driver | |
- TransactionIsolation | 2 |
- AutoCommit | false | |
- CacheState | true | |
- Catalog | H2 | |
- Closed | false | |
- Holdability | 1 | |
- ReadOnly | false | |
- Schema | PUBLIC | |
- ToString | 405065432, URL=jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2, UserName=SA, H2 JDBC Driver | |
- TransactionIsolation | 2 |
- AutoCommit | false | |
- CacheState | true | |
- Catalog | H2 | |
- Closed | false | |
- Holdability | 1 | |
- ReadOnly | false | |
- Schema | PUBLIC | |
- ToString | 77647732, URL=jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2, UserName=SA, H2 JDBC Driver | |
- TransactionIsolation | 2 |
- AutoCommit | false | |
- CacheState | true | |
- Catalog | H2 | |
- Closed | false | |
- Holdability | 1 | |
- ReadOnly | false | |
- Schema | PUBLIC | |
- ToString | 1337016279, URL=jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2, UserName=SA, H2 JDBC Driver | |
- TransactionIsolation | 2 |
- AutoCommit | false | |
- CacheState | true | |
- Catalog | H2 | |
- Closed | false | |
- Holdability | 1 | |
- ReadOnly | false | |
- Schema | PUBLIC | |
- ToString | 1108511127, URL=jdbc:h2:/opt/data/demo/h2, UserName=SA, H2 JDBC Driver | |
- TransactionIsolation | 2 |
(Startup event listener for a Host that configures the properties of that Host, and the associated defined contexts) | ||
- className | org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- configBaseName | /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/conf/Catalina/localhost | (The base directory for Context configuration files) |
- contextClass | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext | (The Java class name of the Context implementation we should use) |
- copyXML | false | (The copy XML config file flag for this component) |
- deployXML | true | (The deploy XML config file flag for this component) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- unpackWARs | false | (The unpack WARs flag) |
(Standard Engine Component) | ||
- backgroundProcessorDelay | 10 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- catalinaBase | /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33 | (Base (instance) directory for this Engine, typically same as catalina.base system property) |
- defaultHost | localhost | (Name of the default Host for this Engine) |
- jvmRoute | null | (Route used for load balancing) |
- managedResource | StandardEngine[Catalina] | (The managed resource this MBean is associated with) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | Catalina | (Unique name of this Engine) |
- realm | LockOutRealm[StandardEngine[Catalina]] | (Associated realm.) |
- startChildren | true | (Will children be started automatically when they are added.) |
- startStopThreads | 1 | (The number of threads to use when starting and stopping child Hosts) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | Tomcat WebSocket (JSR356) Filter | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | Tomcat WebSocket (JSR356) Filter | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | ForbiddenActionsFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | forbiddenActions | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | fr.spi4j.filter.HttpSessionFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | httpSessionInThread | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | net.bull.javamelody.MonitoringFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | javamelody | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | net.bull.javamelody.MonitoringFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | monitoring | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | fr.spi4j.lib.security.RemoteUserFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | remoteUser | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | Tomcat WebSocket (JSR356) Filter | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | Tomcat WebSocket (JSR356) Filter | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | net.bull.javamelody.usagestats.BasicAuthFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | basic-auth | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | net.bull.javamelody.usagestats.GzipFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | gzip | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet-filter definition) | ||
- filterClass | net.bull.javamelody.MonitoringFilter | (Fully qualified class name of the filter object) |
- filterInitParameterMap | {} | (Return the initialization parameters associated with this filter) |
- filterName | javamelody | (The name used to reference the filter in web.xml) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Runtime information of a group of requests) | ||
- bytesReceived | 22 161 | (Amount of data received, in bytes) |
- bytesSent | 525 996 445 | (Amount of data sent, in bytes) |
- errorCount | 15 001 | (Number of errors) |
- maxTime | 20 192 | (Maximum time to process a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestGroupInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 5 904 907 | (Total time to process the requests) |
- requestCount | 5 446 405 | (Number of requests processed) |
(Standard Host Component) | ||
- aliases | [] | (Host aliases) |
- appBase | webapps | (The application root for this Host) |
- autoDeploy | true | (The auto deploy flag for this Host) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- children | [Catalina:j2eeType=WebModule,name=//localhost/,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=WebModule,name=//localhost/downloads,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=WebModule,name=//localhost/demo,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=WebModule,name=//localhost/usage,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none] | (Object names of all children) |
- configClass | org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig | (The configuration class for contexts) |
- contextClass | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext | (The Java class name of the default Context implementation class for deployed web applications.) |
- copyXML | false | (Should XML files be copied to $CATALINA_BASE/conf/{engine}/{host} by default when a web application is deployed?) |
- createDirs | true | (Should we create directories upon startup for appBase and xmlBase? ) |
- deployIgnore | null | (Paths within appBase ignored for automatic deployment) |
- deployOnStartup | true | (The deploy on startup flag for this Host) |
- deployXML | true | (deploy Context XML config files property) |
- errorReportValveClass | org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve | (The Java class name of the default error reporter implementation class for deployed web applications.) |
- managedResource | StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost] | (The managed resource this MBean is associated with) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | localhost | (Unique name of this Host) |
- realm | LockOutRealm[StandardEngine[Catalina]] | (Associated realm.) |
- startChildren | true | (Will children be started automatically when they are added?) |
- startStopThreads | 1 | (The number of threads to use when starting, stopping and deploying child Contexts) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- undeployOldVersions | false | (Determines if old versions of applications deployed using parallel deployment are automatically undeployed when no longer used. Requires autoDeploy to be enabled.) |
- unpackWARs | false | (Unpack WARs property) |
- valveNames | [Catalina:type=Valve,host=localhost,name=AccessLogValve, Catalina:type=Valve,host=localhost,name=ErrorReportValve, Catalina:type=Valve,host=localhost,name=StandardHostValve] | (Return the MBean Names of the Valves associated with this Host) |
- workDir | null | (Work Directory base for applications) |
- xmlBase | null | (The XML root for this Host.) |
(JSP Monitoring) | ||
- jspCount | 1 | (The number of JSPs that have been loaded into a webapp) |
- jspQueueLength | -1 | (The length of the JSP queue (if enabled via maxLoadedJsps)) |
- jspReloadCount | 0 | (The number of JSPs that have been reloaded) |
- jspUnloadCount | 0 | (The number of JSPs that have been unloaded) |
- modelerType | org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(JSP Monitoring) | ||
- jspCount | 1 | (The number of JSPs that have been loaded into a webapp) |
- jspQueueLength | -1 | (The length of the JSP queue (if enabled via maxLoadedJsps)) |
- jspReloadCount | 0 | (The number of JSPs that have been reloaded) |
- jspUnloadCount | 0 | (The number of JSPs that have been unloaded) |
- modelerType | org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(JSP Monitoring) | ||
- jspCount | 0 | (The number of JSPs that have been loaded into a webapp) |
- jspQueueLength | -1 | (The length of the JSP queue (if enabled via maxLoadedJsps)) |
- jspReloadCount | 0 | (The number of JSPs that have been reloaded) |
- jspUnloadCount | 0 | (The number of JSPs that have been unloaded) |
- modelerType | org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(JSP Monitoring) | ||
- jspCount | 0 | (The number of JSPs that have been loaded into a webapp) |
- jspQueueLength | -1 | (The length of the JSP queue (if enabled via maxLoadedJsps)) |
- jspReloadCount | 0 | (The number of JSPs that have been reloaded) |
- jspUnloadCount | 0 | (The number of JSPs that have been unloaded) |
- modelerType | org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Classloader implementation which is specialized for handling web applications) | ||
- className | org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- delegate | false | (The 'follow standard delegation model' flag that will be used to configure our ClassLoader) |
- loaderRepositories | [] | (Repositories set in the real loader) |
- loaderRepositoriesString | (Repositories set in the real loader) | |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- reloadable | false | (The reloadable flag for this Loader) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Classloader implementation which is specialized for handling web applications) | ||
- className | org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- delegate | false | (The 'follow standard delegation model' flag that will be used to configure our ClassLoader) |
- loaderRepositories | [war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/classes/, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.core-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-core-2.6.8.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-lib-security-server-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/jta-1.1.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.freemarker-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet-2.7.0.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-gwt-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/itext-2.1.7.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/freemarker-2.3.16.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.converter-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/appwhite1-commons-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.docx-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/jrobin-1.5.9.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.odt-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-ui-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/javamelody-core-1.98.0.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-doc-report-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.pptx-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-lib-security-commons-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/appwhite1-server-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/referentiel-server-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/h2-1.4.200.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/xstream-, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/referentiel-commons-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar] | (Repositories set in the real loader) |
- loaderRepositoriesString | war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/classes/:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.core-1.0.4.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-core-2.6.8.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-lib-security-server-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/jta-1.1.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.freemarker-1.0.4.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet-2.7.0.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-gwt-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document-1.0.4.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/itext-2.1.7.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template-1.0.4.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/freemarker-2.3.16.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.converter-1.0.4.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/appwhite1-commons-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.docx-1.0.4.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/jrobin-1.5.9.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.odt-1.0.4.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-ui-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/javamelody-core-1.98.0.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-doc-report-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.pptx-1.0.4.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-lib-security-commons-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/appwhite1-server-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/referentiel-server-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/h2-1.4.200.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/xstream-*/WEB-INF/lib/referentiel-commons-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar: | (Repositories set in the real loader) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- reloadable | false | (The reloadable flag for this Loader) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Classloader implementation which is specialized for handling web applications) | ||
- className | org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- delegate | false | (The 'follow standard delegation model' flag that will be used to configure our ClassLoader) |
- loaderRepositories | [] | (Repositories set in the real loader) |
- loaderRepositoriesString | (Repositories set in the real loader) | |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- reloadable | false | (The reloadable flag for this Loader) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Classloader implementation which is specialized for handling web applications) | ||
- className | org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- delegate | false | (The 'follow standard delegation model' flag that will be used to configure our ClassLoader) |
- loaderRepositories | [war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/classes/, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/itext-2.1.7.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.10.0.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/jrobin-1.5.9.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/geoip-api-1.3.1.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.10.1.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/javamelody-core-1.98.0.jar] | (Repositories set in the real loader) |
- loaderRepositoriesString | war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/classes/:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/itext-2.1.7.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.10.0.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/jrobin-1.5.9.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/geoip-api-1.3.1.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.10.1.jar:war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/javamelody-core-1.98.0.jar: | (Repositories set in the real loader) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- reloadable | false | (The reloadable flag for this Loader) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Factory for MBeans and corresponding components) | ||
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.mbeans.MBeanFactory | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
(Standard implementation of the Manager interface) | ||
- activeSessions | 8 | (Number of active sessions at this moment) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- duplicates | 0 | (Number of duplicated session ids generated) |
- expiredSessions | 3 376 | (Number of sessions that expired ( doesn't include explicit invalidations )) |
- jvmRoute | null | (Retrieve the JvmRoute for the enclosing Engine) |
- maxActive | 179 | (Maximum number of active sessions so far) |
- maxActiveSessions | -1 | (The maximum number of active Sessions allowed, or -1 for no limit) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | StandardManager | (The descriptive name of this Manager implementation (for logging)) |
- pathname | SESSIONS.ser | (Path name of the disk file in which active sessions) |
- persistAuthentication | false | (Indicates whether sessions shall persist authentication information when being persisted (e.g. across application restarts).) |
- processExpiresFrequency | 6 | (The frequency of the manager checks (expiration and passivation)) |
- processingTime | 708 | (Time spent doing housekeeping and expiration) |
- rejectedSessions | 0 | (Number of sessions we rejected due to maxActive being reached) |
- secureRandomAlgorithm | SHA1PRNG | (The secure random number generator algorithm name) |
- secureRandomClass | null | (The secure random number generator class name) |
- secureRandomProvider | null | (The secure random number generator provider name) |
- sessionAttributeNameFilter | null | (The string pattern used for including session attributes in distribution. Null means all attributes are included.) |
- sessionAttributeValueClassNameFilter | null | (The regular expression used to filter session attributes based on the implementation class of the value. The regular expression is anchored and must match the fully qualified class name.) |
- sessionAverageAliveTime | 18 | (Average time an expired session had been alive) |
- sessionCounter | 3 384 | (Total number of sessions created by this manager) |
- sessionCreateRate | 0 | (Session creation rate in sessions per minute) |
- sessionExpireRate | 0 | (Session expiration rate in sessions per minute) |
- sessionMaxAliveTime | 1 948 | (Longest time an expired session had been alive) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- warnOnSessionAttributeFilterFailure | false | (Should a WARN level log message be generated if a session attribute fails to match sessionAttributeNameFilter or sessionAttributeClassNameFilter?) |
(Standard implementation of the Manager interface) | ||
- activeSessions | 64 | (Number of active sessions at this moment) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- duplicates | 0 | (Number of duplicated session ids generated) |
- expiredSessions | 8 758 | (Number of sessions that expired ( doesn't include explicit invalidations )) |
- jvmRoute | null | (Retrieve the JvmRoute for the enclosing Engine) |
- maxActive | 1 334 | (Maximum number of active sessions so far) |
- maxActiveSessions | -1 | (The maximum number of active Sessions allowed, or -1 for no limit) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | StandardManager | (The descriptive name of this Manager implementation (for logging)) |
- pathname | SESSIONS.ser | (Path name of the disk file in which active sessions) |
- persistAuthentication | false | (Indicates whether sessions shall persist authentication information when being persisted (e.g. across application restarts).) |
- processExpiresFrequency | 6 | (The frequency of the manager checks (expiration and passivation)) |
- processingTime | 879 | (Time spent doing housekeeping and expiration) |
- rejectedSessions | 0 | (Number of sessions we rejected due to maxActive being reached) |
- secureRandomAlgorithm | SHA1PRNG | (The secure random number generator algorithm name) |
- secureRandomClass | null | (The secure random number generator class name) |
- secureRandomProvider | null | (The secure random number generator provider name) |
- sessionAttributeNameFilter | null | (The string pattern used for including session attributes in distribution. Null means all attributes are included.) |
- sessionAttributeValueClassNameFilter | null | (The regular expression used to filter session attributes based on the implementation class of the value. The regular expression is anchored and must match the fully qualified class name.) |
- sessionAverageAliveTime | 18 | (Average time an expired session had been alive) |
- sessionCounter | 8 822 | (Total number of sessions created by this manager) |
- sessionCreateRate | 0 | (Session creation rate in sessions per minute) |
- sessionExpireRate | 0 | (Session expiration rate in sessions per minute) |
- sessionMaxAliveTime | 3 398 | (Longest time an expired session had been alive) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- warnOnSessionAttributeFilterFailure | false | (Should a WARN level log message be generated if a session attribute fails to match sessionAttributeNameFilter or sessionAttributeClassNameFilter?) |
(Standard implementation of the Manager interface) | ||
- activeSessions | 0 | (Number of active sessions at this moment) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- duplicates | 0 | (Number of duplicated session ids generated) |
- expiredSessions | 0 | (Number of sessions that expired ( doesn't include explicit invalidations )) |
- jvmRoute | null | (Retrieve the JvmRoute for the enclosing Engine) |
- maxActive | 0 | (Maximum number of active sessions so far) |
- maxActiveSessions | -1 | (The maximum number of active Sessions allowed, or -1 for no limit) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | StandardManager | (The descriptive name of this Manager implementation (for logging)) |
- pathname | SESSIONS.ser | (Path name of the disk file in which active sessions) |
- persistAuthentication | false | (Indicates whether sessions shall persist authentication information when being persisted (e.g. across application restarts).) |
- processExpiresFrequency | 6 | (The frequency of the manager checks (expiration and passivation)) |
- processingTime | 88 | (Time spent doing housekeeping and expiration) |
- rejectedSessions | 0 | (Number of sessions we rejected due to maxActive being reached) |
- secureRandomAlgorithm | SHA1PRNG | (The secure random number generator algorithm name) |
- secureRandomClass | null | (The secure random number generator class name) |
- secureRandomProvider | null | (The secure random number generator provider name) |
- sessionAttributeNameFilter | null | (The string pattern used for including session attributes in distribution. Null means all attributes are included.) |
- sessionAttributeValueClassNameFilter | null | (The regular expression used to filter session attributes based on the implementation class of the value. The regular expression is anchored and must match the fully qualified class name.) |
- sessionAverageAliveTime | 0 | (Average time an expired session had been alive) |
- sessionCounter | 0 | (Total number of sessions created by this manager) |
- sessionCreateRate | 0 | (Session creation rate in sessions per minute) |
- sessionExpireRate | 0 | (Session expiration rate in sessions per minute) |
- sessionMaxAliveTime | 0 | (Longest time an expired session had been alive) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- warnOnSessionAttributeFilterFailure | false | (Should a WARN level log message be generated if a session attribute fails to match sessionAttributeNameFilter or sessionAttributeClassNameFilter?) |
(Standard implementation of the Manager interface) | ||
- activeSessions | 0 | (Number of active sessions at this moment) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- duplicates | 0 | (Number of duplicated session ids generated) |
- expiredSessions | 0 | (Number of sessions that expired ( doesn't include explicit invalidations )) |
- jvmRoute | null | (Retrieve the JvmRoute for the enclosing Engine) |
- maxActive | 0 | (Maximum number of active sessions so far) |
- maxActiveSessions | -1 | (The maximum number of active Sessions allowed, or -1 for no limit) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | StandardManager | (The descriptive name of this Manager implementation (for logging)) |
- pathname | SESSIONS.ser | (Path name of the disk file in which active sessions) |
- persistAuthentication | false | (Indicates whether sessions shall persist authentication information when being persisted (e.g. across application restarts).) |
- processExpiresFrequency | 6 | (The frequency of the manager checks (expiration and passivation)) |
- processingTime | 12 | (Time spent doing housekeeping and expiration) |
- rejectedSessions | 0 | (Number of sessions we rejected due to maxActive being reached) |
- secureRandomAlgorithm | SHA1PRNG | (The secure random number generator algorithm name) |
- secureRandomClass | null | (The secure random number generator class name) |
- secureRandomProvider | null | (The secure random number generator provider name) |
- sessionAttributeNameFilter | null | (The string pattern used for including session attributes in distribution. Null means all attributes are included.) |
- sessionAttributeValueClassNameFilter | null | (The regular expression used to filter session attributes based on the implementation class of the value. The regular expression is anchored and must match the fully qualified class name.) |
- sessionAverageAliveTime | 0 | (Average time an expired session had been alive) |
- sessionCounter | 0 | (Total number of sessions created by this manager) |
- sessionCreateRate | 0 | (Session creation rate in sessions per minute) |
- sessionExpireRate | 0 | (Session expiration rate in sessions per minute) |
- sessionMaxAliveTime | 0 | (Longest time an expired session had been alive) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- warnOnSessionAttributeFilterFailure | false | (Should a WARN level log message be generated if a session attribute fails to match sessionAttributeNameFilter or sessionAttributeClassNameFilter?) |
(Holds and manages the naming resources defined in the J2EE Enterprise Naming Context and their associated JNDI context) | ||
- container | StandardServer[8005] | (The container with which the naming resources are associated.) |
- environments | [] | (MBean Names of the set of defined environment entries for this web application) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.deploy.NamingResourcesImpl | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- resourceLinks | [] | (MBean Names of all the defined resource link references for this application.) |
(Holds and manages the naming resources defined in the J2EE Enterprise Naming Context and their associated JNDI context) | ||
- container | StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[] | (The container with which the naming resources are associated.) |
- environments | [] | (MBean Names of the set of defined environment entries for this web application) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.deploy.NamingResourcesImpl | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- resourceLinks | [] | (MBean Names of all the defined resource link references for this application.) |
- resources | [] | (MBean Names of all the defined resource references for this application.) |
(Holds and manages the naming resources defined in the J2EE Enterprise Naming Context and their associated JNDI context) | ||
- container | StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/demo] | (The container with which the naming resources are associated.) |
- environments | [] | (MBean Names of the set of defined environment entries for this web application) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.deploy.NamingResourcesImpl | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- resourceLinks | [] | (MBean Names of all the defined resource link references for this application.) |
(Holds and manages the naming resources defined in the J2EE Enterprise Naming Context and their associated JNDI context) | ||
- container | StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/downloads] | (The container with which the naming resources are associated.) |
- environments | [] | (MBean Names of the set of defined environment entries for this web application) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.deploy.NamingResourcesImpl | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- resourceLinks | [] | (MBean Names of all the defined resource link references for this application.) |
- resources | [] | (MBean Names of all the defined resource references for this application.) |
(Holds and manages the naming resources defined in the J2EE Enterprise Naming Context and their associated JNDI context) | ||
- container | StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/usage] | (The container with which the naming resources are associated.) |
- environments | [] | (MBean Names of the set of defined environment entries for this web application) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.deploy.NamingResourcesImpl | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- resourceLinks | [] | (MBean Names of all the defined resource link references for this application.) |
- resources | [] | (MBean Names of all the defined resource references for this application.) |
(Classloader implementation which is specialized for handling web applications and is capable of loading classes in parallel) | ||
- URLs | [] | (The URLs of this loader) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- contextName | ROOT | (Name of the webapp context) |
- delegate | false | (The 'follow standard delegation model' flag that will be used to configure our ClassLoader) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Classloader implementation which is specialized for handling web applications and is capable of loading classes in parallel) | ||
- URLs | [war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/classes/, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.core-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-core-2.6.8.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-lib-security-server-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/jta-1.1.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.freemarker-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet-2.7.0.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-gwt-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/itext-2.1.7.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/freemarker-2.3.16.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.converter-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/appwhite1-commons-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.docx-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/jrobin-1.5.9.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.odt-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-ui-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/javamelody-core-1.98.0.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-doc-report-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/fr.opensagres.xdocreport.document.pptx-1.0.4.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/spi4j-lib-security-commons-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/appwhite1-server-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/referentiel-server-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/h2-1.4.200.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/xstream-, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo.war*/WEB-INF/lib/referentiel-commons-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar] | (The URLs of this loader) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- contextName | demo | (Name of the webapp context) |
- delegate | false | (The 'follow standard delegation model' flag that will be used to configure our ClassLoader) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Classloader implementation which is specialized for handling web applications and is capable of loading classes in parallel) | ||
- URLs | [] | (The URLs of this loader) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- contextName | downloads | (Name of the webapp context) |
- delegate | false | (The 'follow standard delegation model' flag that will be used to configure our ClassLoader) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Classloader implementation which is specialized for handling web applications and is capable of loading classes in parallel) | ||
- URLs | [war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/classes/, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/itext-2.1.7.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.10.0.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/jrobin-1.5.9.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/geoip-api-1.3.1.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.10.1.jar, war:file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage.war*/WEB-INF/lib/javamelody-core-1.98.0.jar] | (The URLs of this loader) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- contextName | usage | (Name of the webapp context) |
- delegate | false | (The 'follow standard delegation model' flag that will be used to configure our ClassLoader) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- acceptCount | 100 | (Introspected attribute acceptCount) |
- acceptorThreadCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute acceptorThreadCount) |
- acceptorThreadPriority | 5 | (Introspected attribute acceptorThreadPriority) |
- algorithm | SunX509 | (Introspected attribute algorithm) |
- allowHostHeaderMismatch | false | (Introspected attribute allowHostHeaderMismatch) |
- allowedTrailerHeaders | (Introspected attribute allowedTrailerHeaders) | |
- aprRequired | false | (Introspected attribute aprRequired) |
- ciphers | HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!kRSA | (Introspected attribute ciphers) |
- clientAuth | NONE | (Introspected attribute clientAuth) |
- clientCertProvider | null | (Introspected attribute clientCertProvider) |
- compressibleMimeType | text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/css,text/javascript,application/javascript,application/json,application/xml | (Introspected attribute compressibleMimeType) |
- compressibleMimeTypes | [text/html, text/xml, text/plain, text/css, text/javascript, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml] | (Introspected attribute compressibleMimeTypes) |
- compression | off | (Introspected attribute compression) |
- compressionMinSize | 2 048 | (Introspected attribute compressionMinSize) |
- connectionCount | 122 | (Introspected attribute connectionCount) |
- connectionLinger | -1 | (Introspected attribute connectionLinger) |
- connectionTimeout | 20 000 | (Introspected attribute connectionTimeout) |
- connectionUploadTimeout | 300 000 | (Introspected attribute connectionUploadTimeout) |
- crlFile | null | (Introspected attribute crlFile) |
- defaultSSLHostConfigName | _default_ | (Introspected attribute defaultSSLHostConfigName) |
- disableUploadTimeout | true | (Introspected attribute disableUploadTimeout) |
- domain | Catalina | (Introspected attribute domain) |
- keepAliveTimeout | 20 000 | (Introspected attribute keepAliveTimeout) |
- keyAlias | null | (Introspected attribute keyAlias) |
- keyPass | null | (Introspected attribute keyPass) |
- keystoreFile | null | (Introspected attribute keystoreFile) |
- keystorePass | null | (Introspected attribute keystorePass) |
- keystoreProvider | null | (Introspected attribute keystoreProvider) |
- keystoreType | null | (Introspected attribute keystoreType) |
- localPort | 80 | (Introspected attribute localPort) |
- maxConnections | 8 192 | (Introspected attribute maxConnections) |
- maxExtensionSize | 8 192 | (Introspected attribute maxExtensionSize) |
- maxHeaderCount | 100 | (Introspected attribute maxHeaderCount) |
- maxHttpHeaderSize | 8 192 | (Introspected attribute maxHttpHeaderSize) |
- maxKeepAliveRequests | 100 | (Introspected attribute maxKeepAliveRequests) |
- maxSavePostSize | 4 096 | (Introspected attribute maxSavePostSize) |
- maxSwallowSize | 2 097 152 | (Introspected attribute maxSwallowSize) |
- maxThreads | 200 | (Introspected attribute maxThreads) |
- maxTrailerSize | 8 192 | (Introspected attribute maxTrailerSize) |
- minSpareThreads | 10 | (Introspected attribute minSpareThreads) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | "http-nio-80" | (Introspected attribute name) |
- nameIndex | 1 | (Introspected attribute nameIndex) |
- noCompressionStrongETag | true | (Introspected attribute noCompressionStrongETag) |
- noCompressionUserAgents | null | (Introspected attribute noCompressionUserAgents) |
- objectName | Catalina:type=ProtocolHandler,port=80 | (Introspected attribute objectName) |
- paused | false | (Introspected attribute paused) |
- pollerThreadCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute pollerThreadCount) |
- pollerThreadPriority | 5 | (Introspected attribute pollerThreadPriority) |
- port | 80 | (Introspected attribute port) |
- portOffset | 0 | (Introspected attribute portOffset) |
- portWithOffset | 80 | (Introspected attribute portWithOffset) |
- processorCache | 200 | (Introspected attribute processorCache) |
- rejectIllegalHeader | true | (Introspected attribute rejectIllegalHeader) |
- rejectIllegalHeaderName | true | (Introspected attribute rejectIllegalHeaderName) |
- relaxedPathChars | null | (Introspected attribute relaxedPathChars) |
- relaxedQueryChars | null | (Introspected attribute relaxedQueryChars) |
- restrictedUserAgents | null | (Introspected attribute restrictedUserAgents) |
- sSLCACertificateFile | null | (Introspected attribute sSLCACertificateFile) |
- sSLCACertificatePath | null | (Introspected attribute sSLCACertificatePath) |
- sSLCARevocationFile | null | (Introspected attribute sSLCARevocationFile) |
- sSLCARevocationPath | null | (Introspected attribute sSLCARevocationPath) |
- sSLCertificateChainFile | null | (Introspected attribute sSLCertificateChainFile) |
- sSLCertificateFile | null | (Introspected attribute sSLCertificateFile) |
- sSLCertificateKeyFile | null | (Introspected attribute sSLCertificateKeyFile) |
- sSLCipherSuite | HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!kRSA | (Introspected attribute sSLCipherSuite) |
- sSLDisableCompression | true | (Introspected attribute sSLDisableCompression) |
- sSLDisableSessionTickets | false | (Introspected attribute sSLDisableSessionTickets) |
- sSLEnabled | false | (Introspected attribute sSLEnabled) |
- sSLHonorCipherOrder | false | (Introspected attribute sSLHonorCipherOrder) |
- sSLPassword | null | (Introspected attribute sSLPassword) |
- sSLProtocol | (Introspected attribute sSLProtocol) | |
- sSLVerifyClient | NONE | (Introspected attribute sSLVerifyClient) |
- sSLVerifyDepth | 10 | (Introspected attribute sSLVerifyDepth) |
- secure | false | (Introspected attribute secure) |
- selectorTimeout | 1 000 | (Introspected attribute selectorTimeout) |
- sendfileSupported | true | (Introspected attribute sendfileSupported) |
- server | null | (Introspected attribute server) |
- serverRemoveAppProvidedValues | false | (Introspected attribute serverRemoveAppProvidedValues) |
- sessionCacheSize | -1 | (Introspected attribute sessionCacheSize) |
- sessionTimeout | 86 400 | (Introspected attribute sessionTimeout) |
- sniParseLimit | 65 536 | (Introspected attribute sniParseLimit) |
- sslEnabledProtocols | (Introspected attribute sslEnabledProtocols) | |
- sslImplementationName | null | (Introspected attribute sslImplementationName) |
- sslProtocol | TLS | (Introspected attribute sslProtocol) |
- tcpNoDelay | true | (Introspected attribute tcpNoDelay) |
- threadPriority | 5 | (Introspected attribute threadPriority) |
- trustManagerClassName | null | (Introspected attribute trustManagerClassName) |
- trustMaxCertLength | 10 | (Introspected attribute trustMaxCertLength) |
- truststoreAlgorithm | PKIX | (Introspected attribute truststoreAlgorithm) |
- truststoreFile | null | (Introspected attribute truststoreFile) |
- truststorePass | null | (Introspected attribute truststorePass) |
- truststoreProvider | null | (Introspected attribute truststoreProvider) |
- truststoreType | JKS | (Introspected attribute truststoreType) |
- useKeepAliveResponseHeader | true | (Introspected attribute useKeepAliveResponseHeader) |
- useSendfile | true | (Introspected attribute useSendfile) |
- useServerCipherSuitesOrder | false | (Introspected attribute useServerCipherSuitesOrder) |
(Realm implementation that can be used to wrap existing realms to provide a user lock-out capability) | ||
- allRolesMode | strict | (The all roles mode.) |
- cacheRemovalWarningTime | 3 600 | (If a failed user is removed from the cache because the cache is too big before it has been in the cache for at least this period of time (in seconds) a warning message will be logged. Defaults to 3600 (1 hour).) |
- cacheSize | 1 000 | (Number of users that have failed authentication to keep in cache. Over time the cache will grow to this size and may not shrink. Defaults to 1000.) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- failureCount | 5 | (The number of times in a row a user has to fail authentication to be locked out. Defaults to 5.) |
- lockOutTime | 300 | (The time (in seconds) a user is locked out for after too many authentication failures. Defaults to 300 (5 minutes).) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- realmPath | /realm0 | (The realm path) |
- realms | [Catalina:type=Realm,realmPath=/realm0/realm0] | (The set of realms that the lockout realm is wrapping) |
- validate | true | (The 'validate certificate chains' flag.) |
(Realm connected to a UserDatabase as a global JNDI resource) | ||
- allRolesMode | strict | (The all roles mode.) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- realmPath | /realm0/realm0 | (The realm path) |
- resourceName | UserDatabase | (The global JNDI name of the UserDatabase resource to use) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- validate | true | (The 'validate certificate chains' flag.) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 879 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 879 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 879 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest1 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 875 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 875 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 875 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest10 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 828 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 828 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 828 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest100 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 831 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 831 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 831 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest101 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 830 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 830 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 830 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest102 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 827 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 827 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 827 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest103 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 830 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 830 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 830 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest104 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 829 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 829 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 829 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest105 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 623 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 623 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 623 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest106 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 6 140 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 82 074 356 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 446 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 67 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | / | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 20 008 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 890 160 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 012 057 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest107 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 530 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 530 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 530 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest108 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 487 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 487 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 487 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest109 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest11 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 406 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 406 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 406 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest110 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 383 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 383 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 383 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest111 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 317 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 317 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 317 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest112 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 303 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 303 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 303 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest113 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 268 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 268 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 268 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest114 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 244 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 244 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 244 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest115 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 221 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 221 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 221 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest116 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 206 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 206 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 206 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest117 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 11 873 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 95 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /demo/monitoring | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 234 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 416 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 8 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest118 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 80 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 80 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 80 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest119 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest12 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 49 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 49 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 49 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest120 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 14 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 14 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 14 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest121 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest13 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest14 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 874 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest15 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest16 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest17 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 872 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 872 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 872 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest18 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 872 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 872 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 872 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest19 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest2 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 706 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 706 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 706 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest20 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest21 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest22 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 872 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 872 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 872 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest23 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 2 548 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 108 128 062 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 736 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /demo/monitoring | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 20 191 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 1 335 979 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 245 807 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest24 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest25 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 870 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 870 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 870 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest26 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 870 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 870 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 870 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest27 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 861 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 861 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 861 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest28 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 4 329 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 147 441 269 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 3 242 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | / | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 14 684 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 1 314 513 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 339 475 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest29 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 873 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest3 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 869 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 869 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 869 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest30 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 869 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 869 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 869 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest31 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 868 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 868 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 868 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest32 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 868 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 868 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 868 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest33 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest34 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 867 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 867 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 867 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest35 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 867 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 867 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 867 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest36 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 867 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 867 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 867 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest37 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest38 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 866 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 866 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 866 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest39 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest4 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest40 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest41 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 852 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 852 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 852 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest42 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 864 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 864 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 864 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest43 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 863 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 863 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 863 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest44 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 854 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 854 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 854 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest45 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 863 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 863 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 863 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest46 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest47 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest48 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest49 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 877 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 877 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 877 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest5 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 862 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest50 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 861 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 861 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 861 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest51 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest52 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest53 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest54 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest55 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 853 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 853 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 853 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest56 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 853 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 853 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 853 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest57 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 852 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 852 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 852 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest58 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 852 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 852 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 852 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest59 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 871 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest6 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 858 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 858 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 858 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest60 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest61 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 857 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest62 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest63 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest64 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest65 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 856 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest66 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 855 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest67 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 848 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 848 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 848 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest68 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 848 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 848 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 848 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest69 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 6 587 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 115 626 945 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 5 109 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /demo/appli1/PersonneService | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 17 949 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 1 361 794 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 167 708 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest7 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 847 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 847 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 847 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest70 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 844 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 844 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 844 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest71 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 846 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 846 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 846 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest72 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 846 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 846 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 846 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest73 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 397 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 14 880 683 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 302 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 34 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | / | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 20 003 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 207 044 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 123 743 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest74 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 845 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 845 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 845 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest75 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 841 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 841 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 841 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest76 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 4 543 048 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 162 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 86 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 6 292 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 55 356 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 53 511 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest77 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 1 706 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 42 145 636 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 855 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 84 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /demo/monitoring | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 20 192 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 503 369 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 422 146 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest78 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 299 167 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 3 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 33 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 9 247 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 14 629 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 3 824 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest79 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 875 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 875 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 875 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest8 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 454 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 567 134 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 2 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 5 250 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 10 626 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 4 353 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest80 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 12 814 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 88 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 849 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 1 154 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 4 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest81 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 24 333 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 20 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 802 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 1 399 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 95 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest82 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 840 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 840 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 840 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest83 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 840 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 840 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 840 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest84 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 839 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 839 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 839 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest85 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 839 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 839 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 839 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest86 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 838 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 838 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 838 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest87 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 838 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 838 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 838 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest88 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 837 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 837 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 837 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest89 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 875 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 875 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 875 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest9 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 834 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 834 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 834 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest90 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 10 456 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 92 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 845 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 1 163 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 3 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest91 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 833 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 833 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 833 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest92 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 833 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 833 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 833 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest93 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 10 224 189 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | part=mbeans | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | /demo/monitoring | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 123 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 1 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /demo/monitoring | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 18 240 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | GET | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 123 741 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | HTTP/1.1 | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 73 563 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 103 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest94 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | 80 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 3 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | javamelody.org | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | http-nio-80-exec-146 | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 834 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 834 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 834 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest95 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 817 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 817 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 817 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest96 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 833 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 833 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 833 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest97 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 832 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 832 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 832 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest98 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
- bytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute bytesReceived) |
- bytesSent | 60 | (Introspected attribute bytesSent) |
- contentLength | -1 | (Introspected attribute contentLength) |
- currentQueryString | null | (Introspected attribute currentQueryString) |
- currentUri | null | (Introspected attribute currentUri) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute errorCount) |
- globalProcessor | BaseModelMbean[null] | (Introspected attribute globalProcessor) |
- lastRequestProcessingTime | 832 | (Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime) |
- maxRequestUri | /usage/stats | (Introspected attribute maxRequestUri) |
- maxTime | 832 | (Introspected attribute maxTime) |
- method | null | (Introspected attribute method) |
- modelerType | org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processingTime | 832 | (Introspected attribute processingTime) |
- protocol | null | (Introspected attribute protocol) |
- remoteAddr | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddr) |
- remoteAddrForwarded | null | (Introspected attribute remoteAddrForwarded) |
- requestBytesReceived | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived) |
- requestBytesSent | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestBytesSent) |
- requestCount | 1 | (Introspected attribute requestCount) |
- requestProcessingTime | 0 | (Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime) |
- rpName | Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-nio-80",name=HttpRequest99 | (Introspected attribute rpName) |
- serverPort | -1 | (Introspected attribute serverPort) |
- stage | 7 | (Introspected attribute stage) |
- virtualHost | null | (Introspected attribute virtualHost) |
- workerThreadName | null | (Introspected attribute workerThreadName) |
(Representation of a resource reference for a web application) | ||
- auth | Container | (The authorization requirement for this resource) |
- description | Datasource | (The description of this resource) |
- name | jdbc/demo_javamelody | (The name of this resource) |
- scope | Shareable | (The sharing scope of this resource factory) |
- type | javax.sql.DataSource | (The type of this environment entry) |
(Representation of a resource reference for a web application) | ||
- auth | Container | (The authorization requirement for this resource) |
- description | User database that can be updated and saved | (The description of this resource) |
- name | UserDatabase | (The name of this resource) |
- scope | Shareable | (The sharing scope of this resource factory) |
- type | org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase | (The type of this environment entry) |
- caCertificateFile | null | (Introspected attribute caCertificateFile) |
- caCertificatePath | null | (Introspected attribute caCertificatePath) |
- certificateChainFile | null | (Introspected attribute certificateChainFile) |
- certificateFile | null | (Introspected attribute certificateFile) |
- certificateKeyAlias | null | (Introspected attribute certificateKeyAlias) |
- certificateKeyFile | null | (Introspected attribute certificateKeyFile) |
- certificateKeyPassword | null | (Introspected attribute certificateKeyPassword) |
- certificateKeystoreFile | null | (Introspected attribute certificateKeystoreFile) |
- certificateKeystorePassword | null | (Introspected attribute certificateKeystorePassword) |
- certificateKeystoreProvider | null | (Introspected attribute certificateKeystoreProvider) |
- certificateKeystoreType | null | (Introspected attribute certificateKeystoreType) |
- certificateRevocationListFile | null | (Introspected attribute certificateRevocationListFile) |
- certificateRevocationListPath | null | (Introspected attribute certificateRevocationListPath) |
- certificateVerificationAsString | NONE | (Introspected attribute certificateVerificationAsString) |
- certificateVerificationDepth | 10 | (Introspected attribute certificateVerificationDepth) |
- certificateVerificationDepthConfigured | false | (Introspected attribute certificateVerificationDepthConfigured) |
- ciphers | HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!kRSA | (Introspected attribute ciphers) |
- disableCompression | true | (Introspected attribute disableCompression) |
- disableSessionTickets | false | (Introspected attribute disableSessionTickets) |
- enabledCiphers | null | (Introspected attribute enabledCiphers) |
- enabledProtocols | null | (Introspected attribute enabledProtocols) |
- honorCipherOrder | false | (Introspected attribute honorCipherOrder) |
- hostName | _default_ | (Introspected attribute hostName) |
- insecureRenegotiation | false | (Introspected attribute insecureRenegotiation) |
- keyManagerAlgorithm | SunX509 | (Introspected attribute keyManagerAlgorithm) |
- modelerType | org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SSLHostConfig | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:type=SSLHostConfig,ThreadPool="http-nio-80",name="_default_" | (Introspected attribute objectName) |
- openSslConf | null | (Introspected attribute openSslConf) |
- openSslConfContext | 0 | (Introspected attribute openSslConfContext) |
- openSslContext | 0 | (Introspected attribute openSslContext) |
- revocationEnabled | false | (Introspected attribute revocationEnabled) |
- sessionCacheSize | -1 | (Introspected attribute sessionCacheSize) |
- sessionTimeout | 86 400 | (Introspected attribute sessionTimeout) |
- sslProtocol | TLS | (Introspected attribute sslProtocol) |
- trustManagerClassName | null | (Introspected attribute trustManagerClassName) |
- truststoreAlgorithm | PKIX | (Introspected attribute truststoreAlgorithm) |
- truststoreFile | null | (Introspected attribute truststoreFile) |
- truststorePassword | null | (Introspected attribute truststorePassword) |
- truststoreProvider | null | (Introspected attribute truststoreProvider) |
- truststoreType | JKS | (Introspected attribute truststoreType) |
(Standard Server Component) | ||
- address | localhost | (The address on which we wait for shutdown commands.) |
- managedResource | StandardServer[8005] | (The managed resource this MBean is associated with) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- port | 8 005 | (TCP port (excluding any offset) for shutdown messages) |
- portOffset | 0 | (The offset applied to port and to the port attributes of any nested connectors) |
- portWithOffset | 8 005 | (Actual TCP port (including any offset) for shutdown messages) |
- serverBuilt | Mar 11 2020 09:31:38 UTC | (Tomcat server built timestamp) |
- serverInfo | Apache Tomcat/9.0.33 | (Tomcat server release identifier) |
- serverNumber | | (Tomcat server's version number) |
- serviceNames | [Catalina:type=Service] | (Object names of all services we know about) |
- shutdown | SHUTDOWN | (Shutdown password) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Standard Service Component) | ||
- connectorNames | [Catalina:type=Connector,port=80] | (ObjectNames of the connectors) |
- managedResource | StandardService[Catalina] | (The managed resource this MBean is associated with) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | Catalina | (Unique name of this Service) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 8 190 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 38 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 0 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/,name=default,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 1 562 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 8 190 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 331 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 3 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 329 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 0 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/,name=jsp,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 3 799 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 3 788 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=AdresseService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.server.business.annuaire.AdresseGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | null | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 1 019 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 1 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 1 019 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 11 815 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 1 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=AuthentificationService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 23 244 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 61 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.server.business.secu.AuthentificationGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 2 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 2 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=BuildInfoServlet,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.Appli1BuildInfoServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=CompetenceService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.server.business.annuaire.CompetenceGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | null | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 5 864 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 1 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=GradeService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 5 950 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 23 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.referentiel.server.business.ref.GradeGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=MailService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.server.business.annuaire.MailGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | null | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=PermissionService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.server.business.secu.PermissionGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | null | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 17 949 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 5 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=PersonneService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 18 811 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 40 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.server.business.annuaire.PersonneGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=PrintUtilsService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.server.business.utils.PrintUtilsGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | null | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=RoleService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.server.business.secu.RoleGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | null | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=TelephoneService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.server.business.annuaire.TelephoneGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | null | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | -1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=UtilisateurService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | fr.appwhite1.server.business.secu.UtilisateurGwtServiceImpl | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | null | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 1 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 4 014 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 20 192 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 0 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=default,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 1 385 178 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 15 482 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 3 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 52 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=jsp,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 6 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 1 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 0 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/downloads,name=default,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 1 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 6 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 3 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 2 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/downloads,name=jsp,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 1 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 3 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/usage,name=admin,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | net.bull.javamelody.usagestats.AdminServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 9 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 28 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 0 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/usage,name=default,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 50 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 22 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 0 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 3 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 0 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/usage,name=jsp,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 0 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 0 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition) | ||
- asyncSupported | false | (Async support) |
- available | 0 | (The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.) |
- backgroundProcessorDelay | -1 | (The processor delay for this component.) |
- classLoadTime | 0 | (Time taken to load the Servlet class) |
- countAllocated | 0 | (The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).) |
- errorCount | 27 | (Error count) |
- loadOnStartup | 1 | (The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.) |
- loadTime | 405 330 | (Time taken to load and initialise the Servlet) |
- maxInstances | 20 | (Maximum number of STM instances.) |
- maxTime | 764 | (Maximum processing time of a request) |
- minTime | 0 | (Minimum processing time of a request) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/usage,name=usagestats,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- processingTime | 1 336 808 | (Total execution time of the servlet's service method) |
- requestCount | 5 416 437 | (Number of requests processed by this wrapper) |
- runAs | null | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- servletClass | net.bull.javamelody.usagestats.UsageStatsServlet | (The run-as identity for this servlet.) |
- singleThreadModel | false | (Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- accessCount | 21 752 170 | (Introspected attribute accessCount) |
- byteEnabled | true | (Introspected attribute byteEnabled) |
- cacheSize | 200 | (Introspected attribute cacheSize) |
- charEnabled | false | (Introspected attribute charEnabled) |
- hitCount | 16 287 359 | (Introspected attribute hitCount) |
- modelerType | org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.StringCache | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- trainThreshold | 20 000 | (Introspected attribute trainThreshold) |
- acceptCount | 100 | |
- acceptorThreadCount | 1 | |
- acceptorThreadPriority | 5 | |
- alpnSupported | false | |
- bindOnInit | true | |
- connectionCount | 123 | |
- connectionLinger | -1 | |
- connectionTimeout | 20 000 | |
- currentThreadCount | 50 | |
- currentThreadsBusy | 1 | |
- daemon | true | |
- defaultSSLHostConfigName | _default_ | |
- deferAccept | false | |
- domain | Catalina | |
- executorTerminationTimeoutMillis | 5 000 | |
- keepAliveCount | 0 | |
- keepAliveTimeout | 20 000 | |
- localPort | 80 | |
- maxConnections | 8 192 | |
- maxKeepAliveRequests | 100 | |
- maxThreads | 200 | |
- minSpareThreads | 10 | |
- modelerType | org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint | |
- name | http-nio-80 | |
- paused | false | |
- pollerThreadCount | 1 | |
- pollerThreadPriority | 5 | |
- port | 80 | |
- portOffset | 0 | |
- portWithOffset | 80 | |
- running | true | |
- sSLEnabled | false | |
- selectorTimeout | 1 000 | |
- sniParseLimit | 65 536 | |
- sslImplementation | null | |
- sslImplementationName | null | |
- tcpNoDelay | true | |
- threadPriority | 5 | |
- useInheritedChannel | false | |
- useSendfile | true |
- appReadBufSize | 8 192 | (Introspected attribute appReadBufSize) |
- appWriteBufSize | 8 192 | (Introspected attribute appWriteBufSize) |
- bufferPool | 500 | (Introspected attribute bufferPool) |
- bufferPoolSize | 104 857 600 | (Introspected attribute bufferPoolSize) |
- directBuffer | false | (Introspected attribute directBuffer) |
- directBufferPool | 500 | (Introspected attribute directBufferPool) |
- directSslBuffer | false | (Introspected attribute directSslBuffer) |
- eventCache | 500 | (Introspected attribute eventCache) |
- modelerType | org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SocketProperties | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- processorCache | 500 | (Introspected attribute processorCache) |
- soLingerOn | false | (Introspected attribute soLingerOn) |
- soLingerTime | -1 | (Introspected attribute soLingerTime) |
- soTimeout | 20 000 | (Introspected attribute soTimeout) |
- tcpNoDelay | true | (Introspected attribute tcpNoDelay) |
- timeoutInterval | 1 000 | (Introspected attribute timeoutInterval) |
- unlockTimeout | 250 | (Introspected attribute unlockTimeout) |
- activeCount | 0 | (Introspected attribute activeCount) |
- completedTaskCount | 1 166 281 | (Introspected attribute completedTaskCount) |
- continueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy | false | (Introspected attribute continueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy) |
- corePoolSize | 2 | (Introspected attribute corePoolSize) |
- executeExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy | false | (Introspected attribute executeExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy) |
- largestPoolSize | 2 | (Introspected attribute largestPoolSize) |
- maximumPoolSize | 2 147 483 647 | (Introspected attribute maximumPoolSize) |
- modelerType | java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- poolSize | 2 | (Introspected attribute poolSize) |
- removeOnCancelPolicy | true | (Introspected attribute removeOnCancelPolicy) |
- shutdown | false | (Introspected attribute shutdown) |
- taskCount | 1 166 287 | (Introspected attribute taskCount) |
- terminated | false | (Introspected attribute terminated) |
- terminating | false | (Introspected attribute terminating) |
(An Authenticator and Valve implementation that checks only security constraints not involving user authentication) | ||
- cache | true | (Should we cache authenticated Principals if the request is part of an HTTP session?) |
- changeSessionIdOnAuthentication | true | (Controls if the session ID is changed if a session exists at the point where users are authenticated) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- disableProxyCaching | true | (Controls the caching of pages that are protected by security constraints) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- securePagesWithPragma | false | (Controls the caching of pages that are protected by security constraints) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Valve that implements the default basic behavior for the StandardContext container implementation) | ||
- asyncSupported | true | (Does this valve support async reporting?) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(An Authenticator and Valve implementation that checks only security constraints not involving user authentication) | ||
- cache | true | (Should we cache authenticated Principals if the request is part of an HTTP session?) |
- changeSessionIdOnAuthentication | true | (Controls if the session ID is changed if a session exists at the point where users are authenticated) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- disableProxyCaching | true | (Controls the caching of pages that are protected by security constraints) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- securePagesWithPragma | false | (Controls the caching of pages that are protected by security constraints) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Valve that implements the default basic behavior for the StandardContext container implementation) | ||
- asyncSupported | true | (Does this valve support async reporting?) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(An Authenticator and Valve implementation that checks only security constraints not involving user authentication) | ||
- cache | true | (Should we cache authenticated Principals if the request is part of an HTTP session?) |
- changeSessionIdOnAuthentication | true | (Controls if the session ID is changed if a session exists at the point where users are authenticated) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- disableProxyCaching | true | (Controls the caching of pages that are protected by security constraints) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- securePagesWithPragma | false | (Controls the caching of pages that are protected by security constraints) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Valve that implements the default basic behavior for the StandardContext container implementation) | ||
- asyncSupported | true | (Does this valve support async reporting?) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(An Authenticator and Valve implementation that checks only security constraints not involving user authentication) | ||
- cache | true | (Should we cache authenticated Principals if the request is part of an HTTP session?) |
- changeSessionIdOnAuthentication | true | (Controls if the session ID is changed if a session exists at the point where users are authenticated) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- disableProxyCaching | true | (Controls the caching of pages that are protected by security constraints) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.authenticator.NonLoginAuthenticator | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- securePagesWithPragma | false | (Controls the caching of pages that are protected by security constraints) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Valve that implements the default basic behavior for the StandardContext container implementation) | ||
- asyncSupported | true | (Does this valve support async reporting?) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Valve that generates a web server access log) | ||
- asyncSupported | true | (Does this valve support async reporting.) |
- buffered | true | (Flag to buffering.) |
- checkExists | false | (Check for file existence before logging.) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- condition | null | (The value to look for conditional logging. The same as conditionUnless.) |
- conditionIf | null | (The value to look for conditional logging.) |
- conditionUnless | null | (The value to look for conditional logging.) |
- directory | logs | (The directory in which log files are created) |
- enabled | true | (Enable Access Logging) |
- encoding | null | (Character set used to write the log file) |
- fileDateFormat | .yyyy-MM-dd | (The format for the date for date based log rotation) |
- locale | en_US | (The locale used to format timestamps in the access log lines) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- pattern | %h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b | (The pattern used to format our access log lines) |
- prefix | localhost_access_log | (The prefix that is added to log file filenames) |
- renameOnRotate | false | (Flag to defer inclusion of the date stamp in the log file name until rotation.) |
- rotatable | true | (Flag to indicate automatic log rotation.) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- suffix | .txt | (The suffix that is added to log file filenames) |
(Implementation of a Valve that outputs HTML error pages) | ||
- asyncSupported | true | (Does this valve support async reporting.) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- showReport | true | (Enables/Disables full error reports) |
- showServerInfo | true | (Enables/Disables server info on error pages) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Valve that implements the default basic behavior for the StandardHost container implementation) | ||
- asyncSupported | true | (Does this valve support async reporting?) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Valve that implements the default basic behavior for the StandardEngine container implementation) | ||
- asyncSupported | true | (Does this valve support async reporting?) |
- className | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve | (Fully qualified class name of the managed object) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
(Standard Context Component) | ||
- altDDName | null | (The alternate deployment descriptor name.) |
- antiResourceLocking | false | (Take care to not lock resources) |
- baseName | ROOT | (The base name used for directories, WAR files (with .war appended) and context.xml files (with .xml appended).) |
- children | [Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/,name=default,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/,name=jsp,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none] | (Object names of all children) |
- clearReferencesRmiTargets | true | (Should Tomcat look for memory leaks in RMI Targets and clear them if found as a work around for application coding errors?) |
- clearReferencesStopThreads | false | (Should Tomcat attempt to terminate threads that have been started by the web application? Advisable to be used only in a development environment.) |
- clearReferencesStopTimerThreads | false | (Should Tomcat attempt to terminate TimerThreads that have been started by the web application? Advisable to be used only in a development environment.) |
- clearReferencesThreadLocals | true | (Should Tomcat attempt to clear ThreadLocal variables that have been populated with classes loaded by the web application?) |
- configFile | null | (Location of the context.xml resource or file) |
- configured | true | (The correctly configured flag for this Context.) |
- cookies | true | (Should we attempt to use cookies for session id communication?) |
- crossContext | false | (Should we allow the ServletContext.getContext() method to access the context of other web applications in this server?) |
- defaultContextXml | null | (Location of the default context.xml resource or file) |
- defaultWebXml | null | (Location of the default web.xml resource or file) |
- delegate | false | |
- displayName | null | (The display name of this web application) |
- distributable | false | (The distributable flag for this web application.) |
- docBase | ROOT | (The document root for this web application) |
- encodedPath | (The encoded path) | |
- errorCount | 8 521 | (Cumulative error count of all servlets in this context) |
- ignoreAnnotations | false | (Ignore annotations flag.) |
- instanceManager | org.apache.catalina.core.DefaultInstanceManager@70aa5bbe | (Object that creates and destroys servlets, filters, and listeners. Include dependency injection and postConstruct/preDestroy handling) |
- javaVMs | null | (The Java virtual machines on which this module is running) |
- loader | WebappLoader[StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[]] | (Associated loader.) |
- logEffectiveWebXml | false | (Should the effective web.xml be logged when the context starts?) |
- logger | org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog@4d3de674 | (Associated logger.) |
- managedResource | StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[] | (The managed resource this MBean is associated with) |
- manager | StandardManager[StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[]] | (Associated manager.) |
- mapperContextRootRedirectEnabled | true | (Should the Mapper be used for context root redirects) |
- mapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled | false | (Should the Mapper be used for directory redirects) |
- maxTime | 329 | (Maximum execution time of all servlets in this context) |
- minTime | 0 | (Minimum execution time of all servlets in this context) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | (The name of this Context) | |
- namingContextListener | org.apache.catalina.core.NamingContextListener@6d6a6f31 | (Associated naming context listener.) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=WebModule,name=//localhost/,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- originalDocBase | null | (The original document root for this web application) |
- override | false | (The default context.xml override flag for this web application) |
- parentClassLoader | java.net.URLClassLoader@3e9b1010 | (Parent class loader.) |
- path | (The context path for this Context) | |
- paused | false | (The request processing pause flag (while reloading occurs)) |
- privileged | false | (Access to tomcat internals) |
- processingTime | 5 361 | (Cumulative execution times of all servlets in this context) |
- publicId | null | (The public identifier of the DTD for the web application deployment descriptor version that is being parsed) |
- realm | LockOutRealm[StandardEngine[Catalina]] | (Associated realm.) |
- reloadable | false | (The reloadable flag for this web application) |
- renewThreadsWhenStoppingContext | true | (Should Tomcat renew the threads of the thread pool when the application is stopped to avoid memory leaks because of uncleaned ThreadLocal variables.) |
- requestCount | 11 978 | (Cumulative request count of all servlets in this context) |
- server | null | (The J2EE Server this module is deployed on) |
- sessionCookieDomain | null | (The domain to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the domain is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionCookieName | null | (The name to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the name is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionCookiePath | null | (The path to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the path is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionTimeout | 30 | (The session timeout (in minutes) for this web application) |
- startTime | 1 734 895 393 050 | (Time (in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00) when this context was started) |
- startupTime | 0 | (Time (in milliseconds) it took to start this context) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- swallowOutput | false | (Flag to set to cause the system.out and system.err to be redirected to the logger when executing a servlet) |
- tldScanTime | 0 | (Time spend scanning jars for TLDs for this context) |
- tldValidation | false | (Should the parsing of *.tld files be performed by a validating parser?) |
- unloadDelay | 2 000 | (Amount of ms that the container will wait for servlets to unload) |
- unpackWAR | true | (Unpack WAR property) |
- useHttpOnly | true | (Indicates that session cookies should use HttpOnly) |
- useNaming | true | (Create a JNDI naming context for this application?) |
- useRelativeRedirects | true | (When generating location headers for 302 responses, should a relative URI be used?) |
- webappVersion | (The version of this web application - used in parallel deployment to differentiate different versions of the same web application) | |
- welcomeFiles | [index.html, index.htm, index.jsp] | (The welcome files for this context) |
- workDir | work/Catalina/localhost/ROOT | (The pathname to the work directory for this context) |
- xmlNamespaceAware | false | (Should the parsing of web.xml and web-fragment.xml files be performed by a namespace aware parser?) |
- xmlValidation | false | (Should the parsing of web.xml and web-fragment.xml files be performed by a validating parser?) |
(Standard Context Component) | ||
- altDDName | null | (The alternate deployment descriptor name.) |
- antiResourceLocking | false | (Take care to not lock resources) |
- baseName | demo | (The base name used for directories, WAR files (with .war appended) and context.xml files (with .xml appended).) |
- children | [Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=CompetenceService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=GradeService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=PersonneService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=PrintUtilsService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=AdresseService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=UtilisateurService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=jsp,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=BuildInfoServlet,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=PermissionService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=default,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=MailService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=RoleService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=TelephoneService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/demo,name=AuthentificationService,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none] | (Object names of all children) |
- clearReferencesRmiTargets | true | (Should Tomcat look for memory leaks in RMI Targets and clear them if found as a work around for application coding errors?) |
- clearReferencesStopThreads | false | (Should Tomcat attempt to terminate threads that have been started by the web application? Advisable to be used only in a development environment.) |
- clearReferencesStopTimerThreads | false | (Should Tomcat attempt to terminate TimerThreads that have been started by the web application? Advisable to be used only in a development environment.) |
- clearReferencesThreadLocals | true | (Should Tomcat attempt to clear ThreadLocal variables that have been populated with classes loaded by the web application?) |
- configFile | file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/conf/Catalina/localhost/demo.xml | (Location of the context.xml resource or file) |
- configured | true | (The correctly configured flag for this Context.) |
- cookies | true | (Should we attempt to use cookies for session id communication?) |
- crossContext | false | (Should we allow the ServletContext.getContext() method to access the context of other web applications in this server?) |
- defaultContextXml | null | (Location of the default context.xml resource or file) |
- defaultWebXml | null | (Location of the default web.xml resource or file) |
- delegate | false | |
- displayName | null | (The display name of this web application) |
- distributable | false | (The distributable flag for this web application.) |
- docBase | demo.war | (The document root for this web application) |
- encodedPath | /demo | (The encoded path) |
- errorCount | 4 015 | (Cumulative error count of all servlets in this context) |
- ignoreAnnotations | false | (Ignore annotations flag.) |
- instanceManager | org.apache.catalina.core.DefaultInstanceManager@27331ba2 | (Object that creates and destroys servlets, filters, and listeners. Include dependency injection and postConstruct/preDestroy handling) |
- javaVMs | null | (The Java virtual machines on which this module is running) |
- loader | WebappLoader[StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/demo]] | (Associated loader.) |
- logEffectiveWebXml | false | (Should the effective web.xml be logged when the context starts?) |
- logger | org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog@6c661be9 | (Associated logger.) |
- managedResource | StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/demo] | (The managed resource this MBean is associated with) |
- manager | StandardManager[StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/demo]] | (Associated manager.) |
- mapperContextRootRedirectEnabled | true | (Should the Mapper be used for context root redirects) |
- mapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled | false | (Should the Mapper be used for directory redirects) |
- maxTime | 20 192 | (Maximum execution time of all servlets in this context) |
- minTime | 0 | (Minimum execution time of all servlets in this context) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | /demo | (The name of this Context) |
- namingContextListener | org.apache.catalina.core.NamingContextListener@74c56a8b | (Associated naming context listener.) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=WebModule,name=//localhost/demo,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- originalDocBase | /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/demo | (The original document root for this web application) |
- override | false | (The default context.xml override flag for this web application) |
- parentClassLoader | java.net.URLClassLoader@3e9b1010 | (Parent class loader.) |
- path | /demo | (The context path for this Context) |
- paused | false | (The request processing pause flag (while reloading occurs)) |
- privileged | false | (Access to tomcat internals) |
- processingTime | 1 433 183 | (Cumulative execution times of all servlets in this context) |
- publicId | null | (The public identifier of the DTD for the web application deployment descriptor version that is being parsed) |
- realm | LockOutRealm[StandardEngine[Catalina]] | (Associated realm.) |
- reloadable | false | (The reloadable flag for this web application) |
- renewThreadsWhenStoppingContext | true | (Should Tomcat renew the threads of the thread pool when the application is stopped to avoid memory leaks because of uncleaned ThreadLocal variables.) |
- requestCount | 15 606 | (Cumulative request count of all servlets in this context) |
- server | null | (The J2EE Server this module is deployed on) |
- sessionCookieDomain | null | (The domain to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the domain is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionCookieName | null | (The name to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the name is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionCookiePath | null | (The path to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the path is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionTimeout | 30 | (The session timeout (in minutes) for this web application) |
- startTime | 1 734 894 983 149 | (Time (in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00) when this context was started) |
- startupTime | 2 167 | (Time (in milliseconds) it took to start this context) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- swallowOutput | false | (Flag to set to cause the system.out and system.err to be redirected to the logger when executing a servlet) |
- tldScanTime | 0 | (Time spend scanning jars for TLDs for this context) |
- tldValidation | false | (Should the parsing of *.tld files be performed by a validating parser?) |
- unloadDelay | 2 000 | (Amount of ms that the container will wait for servlets to unload) |
- unpackWAR | true | (Unpack WAR property) |
- useHttpOnly | true | (Indicates that session cookies should use HttpOnly) |
- useNaming | true | (Create a JNDI naming context for this application?) |
- useRelativeRedirects | true | (When generating location headers for 302 responses, should a relative URI be used?) |
- webappVersion | (The version of this web application - used in parallel deployment to differentiate different versions of the same web application) | |
- welcomeFiles | [index.html] | (The welcome files for this context) |
- workDir | work/Catalina/localhost/demo | (The pathname to the work directory for this context) |
- xmlNamespaceAware | false | (Should the parsing of web.xml and web-fragment.xml files be performed by a namespace aware parser?) |
- xmlValidation | false | (Should the parsing of web.xml and web-fragment.xml files be performed by a validating parser?) |
(Standard Context Component) | ||
- altDDName | null | (The alternate deployment descriptor name.) |
- antiResourceLocking | false | (Take care to not lock resources) |
- baseName | downloads | (The base name used for directories, WAR files (with .war appended) and context.xml files (with .xml appended).) |
- children | [Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/downloads,name=default,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/downloads,name=jsp,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none] | (Object names of all children) |
- clearReferencesRmiTargets | true | (Should Tomcat look for memory leaks in RMI Targets and clear them if found as a work around for application coding errors?) |
- clearReferencesStopThreads | false | (Should Tomcat attempt to terminate threads that have been started by the web application? Advisable to be used only in a development environment.) |
- clearReferencesStopTimerThreads | false | (Should Tomcat attempt to terminate TimerThreads that have been started by the web application? Advisable to be used only in a development environment.) |
- clearReferencesThreadLocals | true | (Should Tomcat attempt to clear ThreadLocal variables that have been populated with classes loaded by the web application?) |
- configFile | null | (Location of the context.xml resource or file) |
- configured | true | (The correctly configured flag for this Context.) |
- cookies | true | (Should we attempt to use cookies for session id communication?) |
- crossContext | false | (Should we allow the ServletContext.getContext() method to access the context of other web applications in this server?) |
- defaultContextXml | null | (Location of the default context.xml resource or file) |
- defaultWebXml | null | (Location of the default web.xml resource or file) |
- delegate | false | |
- displayName | null | (The display name of this web application) |
- distributable | false | (The distributable flag for this web application.) |
- docBase | downloads | (The document root for this web application) |
- encodedPath | /downloads | (The encoded path) |
- errorCount | 6 | (Cumulative error count of all servlets in this context) |
- ignoreAnnotations | false | (Ignore annotations flag.) |
- instanceManager | org.apache.catalina.core.DefaultInstanceManager@3f2abae8 | (Object that creates and destroys servlets, filters, and listeners. Include dependency injection and postConstruct/preDestroy handling) |
- javaVMs | null | (The Java virtual machines on which this module is running) |
- loader | WebappLoader[StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/downloads]] | (Associated loader.) |
- logEffectiveWebXml | false | (Should the effective web.xml be logged when the context starts?) |
- logger | org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog@23ab0249 | (Associated logger.) |
- managedResource | StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/downloads] | (The managed resource this MBean is associated with) |
- manager | StandardManager[StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/downloads]] | (Associated manager.) |
- mapperContextRootRedirectEnabled | true | (Should the Mapper be used for context root redirects) |
- mapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled | false | (Should the Mapper be used for directory redirects) |
- maxTime | 1 | (Maximum execution time of all servlets in this context) |
- minTime | 0 | (Minimum execution time of all servlets in this context) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | /downloads | (The name of this Context) |
- namingContextListener | org.apache.catalina.core.NamingContextListener@1875e0e | (Associated naming context listener.) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=WebModule,name=//localhost/downloads,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- originalDocBase | null | (The original document root for this web application) |
- override | false | (The default context.xml override flag for this web application) |
- parentClassLoader | java.net.URLClassLoader@3e9b1010 | (Parent class loader.) |
- path | /downloads | (The context path for this Context) |
- paused | false | (The request processing pause flag (while reloading occurs)) |
- privileged | false | (Access to tomcat internals) |
- processingTime | 1 | (Cumulative execution times of all servlets in this context) |
- publicId | null | (The public identifier of the DTD for the web application deployment descriptor version that is being parsed) |
- realm | LockOutRealm[StandardEngine[Catalina]] | (Associated realm.) |
- reloadable | false | (The reloadable flag for this web application) |
- renewThreadsWhenStoppingContext | true | (Should Tomcat renew the threads of the thread pool when the application is stopped to avoid memory leaks because of uncleaned ThreadLocal variables.) |
- requestCount | 6 | (Cumulative request count of all servlets in this context) |
- server | null | (The J2EE Server this module is deployed on) |
- sessionCookieDomain | null | (The domain to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the domain is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionCookieName | null | (The name to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the name is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionCookiePath | null | (The path to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the path is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionTimeout | 30 | (The session timeout (in minutes) for this web application) |
- startTime | 1 734 895 393 003 | (Time (in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00) when this context was started) |
- startupTime | 0 | (Time (in milliseconds) it took to start this context) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- swallowOutput | false | (Flag to set to cause the system.out and system.err to be redirected to the logger when executing a servlet) |
- tldScanTime | 0 | (Time spend scanning jars for TLDs for this context) |
- tldValidation | false | (Should the parsing of *.tld files be performed by a validating parser?) |
- unloadDelay | 2 000 | (Amount of ms that the container will wait for servlets to unload) |
- unpackWAR | true | (Unpack WAR property) |
- useHttpOnly | true | (Indicates that session cookies should use HttpOnly) |
- useNaming | true | (Create a JNDI naming context for this application?) |
- useRelativeRedirects | true | (When generating location headers for 302 responses, should a relative URI be used?) |
- webappVersion | (The version of this web application - used in parallel deployment to differentiate different versions of the same web application) | |
- welcomeFiles | [index.html, index.htm, index.jsp] | (The welcome files for this context) |
- workDir | work/Catalina/localhost/downloads | (The pathname to the work directory for this context) |
- xmlNamespaceAware | false | (Should the parsing of web.xml and web-fragment.xml files be performed by a namespace aware parser?) |
- xmlValidation | false | (Should the parsing of web.xml and web-fragment.xml files be performed by a validating parser?) |
(Standard Context Component) | ||
- altDDName | null | (The alternate deployment descriptor name.) |
- antiResourceLocking | false | (Take care to not lock resources) |
- baseName | usage | (The base name used for directories, WAR files (with .war appended) and context.xml files (with .xml appended).) |
- children | [Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/usage,name=default,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/usage,name=jsp,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/usage,name=usagestats,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none, Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//localhost/usage,name=admin,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none] | (Object names of all children) |
- clearReferencesRmiTargets | true | (Should Tomcat look for memory leaks in RMI Targets and clear them if found as a work around for application coding errors?) |
- clearReferencesStopThreads | false | (Should Tomcat attempt to terminate threads that have been started by the web application? Advisable to be used only in a development environment.) |
- clearReferencesStopTimerThreads | false | (Should Tomcat attempt to terminate TimerThreads that have been started by the web application? Advisable to be used only in a development environment.) |
- clearReferencesThreadLocals | true | (Should Tomcat attempt to clear ThreadLocal variables that have been populated with classes loaded by the web application?) |
- configFile | file:/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/conf/Catalina/localhost/usage.xml | (Location of the context.xml resource or file) |
- configured | true | (The correctly configured flag for this Context.) |
- cookies | true | (Should we attempt to use cookies for session id communication?) |
- crossContext | false | (Should we allow the ServletContext.getContext() method to access the context of other web applications in this server?) |
- defaultContextXml | null | (Location of the default context.xml resource or file) |
- defaultWebXml | null | (Location of the default web.xml resource or file) |
- delegate | false | |
- displayName | javamelody-usagestats | (The display name of this web application) |
- distributable | true | (The distributable flag for this web application.) |
- docBase | usage.war | (The document root for this web application) |
- encodedPath | /usage | (The encoded path) |
- errorCount | 36 | (Cumulative error count of all servlets in this context) |
- ignoreAnnotations | false | (Ignore annotations flag.) |
- instanceManager | org.apache.catalina.core.DefaultInstanceManager@4df3f37a | (Object that creates and destroys servlets, filters, and listeners. Include dependency injection and postConstruct/preDestroy handling) |
- javaVMs | null | (The Java virtual machines on which this module is running) |
- loader | WebappLoader[StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/usage]] | (Associated loader.) |
- logEffectiveWebXml | false | (Should the effective web.xml be logged when the context starts?) |
- logger | org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog@bd8c15e | (Associated logger.) |
- managedResource | StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/usage] | (The managed resource this MBean is associated with) |
- manager | StandardManager[StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/usage]] | (Associated manager.) |
- mapperContextRootRedirectEnabled | true | (Should the Mapper be used for context root redirects) |
- mapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled | false | (Should the Mapper be used for directory redirects) |
- maxTime | 764 | (Maximum execution time of all servlets in this context) |
- minTime | 0 | (Minimum execution time of all servlets in this context) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- name | /usage | (The name of this Context) |
- namingContextListener | org.apache.catalina.core.NamingContextListener@36f7b016 | (Associated naming context listener.) |
- objectName | Catalina:j2eeType=WebModule,name=//localhost/usage,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEServer=none | (Name of the object) |
- originalDocBase | /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/webapps/usage | (The original document root for this web application) |
- override | false | (The default context.xml override flag for this web application) |
- parentClassLoader | java.net.URLClassLoader@3e9b1010 | (Parent class loader.) |
- path | /usage | (The context path for this Context) |
- paused | false | (The request processing pause flag (while reloading occurs)) |
- privileged | false | (Access to tomcat internals) |
- processingTime | 1 336 858 | (Cumulative execution times of all servlets in this context) |
- publicId | null | (The public identifier of the DTD for the web application deployment descriptor version that is being parsed) |
- realm | LockOutRealm[StandardEngine[Catalina]] | (Associated realm.) |
- reloadable | false | (The reloadable flag for this web application) |
- renewThreadsWhenStoppingContext | true | (Should Tomcat renew the threads of the thread pool when the application is stopped to avoid memory leaks because of uncleaned ThreadLocal variables.) |
- requestCount | 5 416 459 | (Cumulative request count of all servlets in this context) |
- server | null | (The J2EE Server this module is deployed on) |
- sessionCookieDomain | null | (The domain to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the domain is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionCookieName | null | (The name to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the name is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionCookiePath | null | (The path to use for session cookies.'null' indicates that the path is controlled by the application.) |
- sessionTimeout | 30 | (The session timeout (in minutes) for this web application) |
- startTime | 1 734 895 392 953 | (Time (in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00) when this context was started) |
- startupTime | 175 | (Time (in milliseconds) it took to start this context) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The name of the LifecycleState that this component is currently in) |
- swallowOutput | false | (Flag to set to cause the system.out and system.err to be redirected to the logger when executing a servlet) |
- tldScanTime | 0 | (Time spend scanning jars for TLDs for this context) |
- tldValidation | false | (Should the parsing of *.tld files be performed by a validating parser?) |
- unloadDelay | 2 000 | (Amount of ms that the container will wait for servlets to unload) |
- unpackWAR | true | (Unpack WAR property) |
- useHttpOnly | true | (Indicates that session cookies should use HttpOnly) |
- useNaming | true | (Create a JNDI naming context for this application?) |
- useRelativeRedirects | true | (When generating location headers for 302 responses, should a relative URI be used?) |
- webappVersion | (The version of this web application - used in parallel deployment to differentiate different versions of the same web application) | |
- welcomeFiles | [index.html] | (The welcome files for this context) |
- workDir | work/Catalina/localhost/usage | (The pathname to the work directory for this context) |
- xmlNamespaceAware | false | (Should the parsing of web.xml and web-fragment.xml files be performed by a namespace aware parser?) |
- xmlValidation | false | (Should the parsing of web.xml and web-fragment.xml files be performed by a validating parser?) |
(Provides the resources implementation for a web application) | ||
- allowLinking | false | (Does this resources implementation allow the use of symbolic links?) |
- cachingAllowed | true | (Is in memory caching of resource content and metadata enabled?) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The current Lifecycle state of this object) |
- trackLockedFiles | false | (Does this resources implementation track requests that lock files?) |
- trackedResources | [] | (List of resources currently being tracked for possible resource leaks) |
(Provides caching of resource metadata and content) | ||
- hitCount | 29 128 | (The number of requests for resources that were served from the cache) |
- lookupCount | 32 536 | (The number of requests for resources) |
- maxSize | 10 240 | (The maximum permitted size of the cache in kB) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectMaxSize | 512 | (The maximum permitted size for a single object in the cache in kB) |
- size | 1 660 | (The current estimate of the cache size in kB) |
- ttl | 5 000 | (The time-to-live for cache entries in milliseconds) |
(Provides the resources implementation for a web application) | ||
- allowLinking | false | (Does this resources implementation allow the use of symbolic links?) |
- cachingAllowed | true | (Is in memory caching of resource content and metadata enabled?) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The current Lifecycle state of this object) |
- trackLockedFiles | false | (Does this resources implementation track requests that lock files?) |
- trackedResources | [] | (List of resources currently being tracked for possible resource leaks) |
(Provides caching of resource metadata and content) | ||
- hitCount | 17 191 | (The number of requests for resources that were served from the cache) |
- lookupCount | 17 402 | (The number of requests for resources) |
- maxSize | 10 240 | (The maximum permitted size of the cache in kB) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectMaxSize | 512 | (The maximum permitted size for a single object in the cache in kB) |
- size | 2 521 | (The current estimate of the cache size in kB) |
- ttl | 5 000 | (The time-to-live for cache entries in milliseconds) |
(Provides the resources implementation for a web application) | ||
- allowLinking | false | (Does this resources implementation allow the use of symbolic links?) |
- cachingAllowed | true | (Is in memory caching of resource content and metadata enabled?) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The current Lifecycle state of this object) |
- trackLockedFiles | false | (Does this resources implementation track requests that lock files?) |
- trackedResources | [] | (List of resources currently being tracked for possible resource leaks) |
(Provides caching of resource metadata and content) | ||
- hitCount | 5 | (The number of requests for resources that were served from the cache) |
- lookupCount | 19 | (The number of requests for resources) |
- maxSize | 10 240 | (The maximum permitted size of the cache in kB) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectMaxSize | 512 | (The maximum permitted size for a single object in the cache in kB) |
- size | 6 | (The current estimate of the cache size in kB) |
- ttl | 5 000 | (The time-to-live for cache entries in milliseconds) |
(Provides the resources implementation for a web application) | ||
- allowLinking | false | (Does this resources implementation allow the use of symbolic links?) |
- cachingAllowed | true | (Is in memory caching of resource content and metadata enabled?) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- stateName | STARTED | (The current Lifecycle state of this object) |
- trackLockedFiles | false | (Does this resources implementation track requests that lock files?) |
- trackedResources | [] | (List of resources currently being tracked for possible resource leaks) |
(Provides caching of resource metadata and content) | ||
- hitCount | 124 | (The number of requests for resources that were served from the cache) |
- lookupCount | 154 | (The number of requests for resources) |
- maxSize | 10 240 | (The maximum permitted size of the cache in kB) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- objectMaxSize | 512 | (The maximum permitted size for a single object in the cache in kB) |
- size | 33 | (The current estimate of the cache size in kB) |
- ttl | 5 000 | (The time-to-live for cache entries in milliseconds) |
(Represents the MBean server from the management point of view.) | ||
- ImplementationName | JMX | (The JMX implementation name (the name of this product)) |
- ImplementationVendor | Oracle Corporation | (the JMX implementation vendor (the vendor of this product).) |
- ImplementationVersion | 11.0.6+10 | (The JMX implementation version (the version of this product).) |
- MBeanServerId | vps363300.ovh.net_1734894847964 | (The MBean server agent identification) |
- SpecificationName | Java Management Extensions | (The full name of the JMX specification implemented by this product.) |
- SpecificationVendor | Oracle Corporation | (The vendor of the JMX specification implemented by this product.) |
- SpecificationVersion | 1.4 | (The version of the JMX specification implemented by this product.) |
(In-memory user and group database) | ||
- groups | [] | (MBean Names of all defined groups) |
- modelerType | org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabase | (Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once) |
- pathname | conf/tomcat-users.xml | (Relative or absolute pathname to database file) |
- readonly | true | (No persistent save of the user database) |
- roles | [] | (MBean Names of all defined roles) |
- users | [] | (MBean Names of all defined users) |
- writeable | true | (Check if user database is writeable) |
(Diagnostic Commands) |
- DiagnosticOptions | [{name=HeapDumpBeforeFullGC, origin=DEFAULT, value=false, writeable=true}, {name=HeapDumpAfterFullGC, origin=DEFAULT, value=false, writeable=true}, {name=HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, origin=DEFAULT, value=false, writeable=true}, {name=HeapDumpPath, origin=DEFAULT, value=, writeable=true}, {name=PrintClassHistogram, origin=DEFAULT, value=false, writeable=true}, {name=MinHeapFreeRatio, origin=DEFAULT, value=40, writeable=true}, {name=MaxHeapFreeRatio, origin=DEFAULT, value=70, writeable=true}, {name=PrintConcurrentLocks, origin=DEFAULT, value=false, writeable=true}, {name=CMSAbortablePrecleanWaitMillis, origin=DEFAULT, value=100, writeable=true}, {name=CMSWaitDuration, origin=DEFAULT, value=2000, writeable=true}, {name=CMSTriggerInterval, origin=DEFAULT, value=-1, writeable=true}] | |
- ObjectName | com.sun.management:type=HotSpotDiagnostic |
- CollectionUsage | null | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdSupported | false | |
- MemoryManagerNames | [CodeCacheManager] | |
- Name | CodeHeap 'non-nmethods' | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=CodeHeap 'non-nmethods' | |
- PeakUsage | {committed=2 555 904, init=2 555 904, max=5 828 608, used=1 479 424} | |
- Type | NON_HEAP | |
- Usage | {committed=2 555 904, init=2 555 904, max=5 828 608, used=1 422 080} | |
- UsageThreshold | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdCount | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdExceeded | false | |
- UsageThresholdSupported | true | |
- Valid | true |
- CollectionUsage | null | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdSupported | false | |
- MemoryManagerNames | [CodeCacheManager] | |
- Name | CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods' | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods' | |
- PeakUsage | {committed=19 005 440, init=2 555 904, max=122 916 864, used=18 537 472} | |
- Type | NON_HEAP | |
- Usage | {committed=19 005 440, init=2 555 904, max=122 916 864, used=18 083 328} | |
- UsageThreshold | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdCount | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdExceeded | false | |
- UsageThresholdSupported | true | |
- Valid | true |
- CollectionUsage | null | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdSupported | false | |
- MemoryManagerNames | [CodeCacheManager] | |
- Name | CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods' | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods' | |
- PeakUsage | {committed=20 840 448, init=2 555 904, max=122 912 768, used=20 524 928} | |
- Type | NON_HEAP | |
- Usage | {committed=20 840 448, init=2 555 904, max=122 912 768, used=17 996 160} | |
- UsageThreshold | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdCount | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdExceeded | false | |
- UsageThresholdSupported | true | |
- Valid | true |
- CollectionUsage | null | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdSupported | false | |
- MemoryManagerNames | [Metaspace Manager] | |
- Name | Compressed Class Space | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Compressed Class Space | |
- PeakUsage | {committed=6 684 672, init=0, max=1 073 741 824, used=6 075 288} | |
- Type | NON_HEAP | |
- Usage | {committed=6 684 672, init=0, max=1 073 741 824, used=5 980 744} | |
- UsageThreshold | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdCount | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdExceeded | false | |
- UsageThresholdSupported | true | |
- Valid | true |
- CollectionCount | 13 776 | |
- CollectionTime | 463 052 | |
- LastGcInfo | {GcThreadCount=1, duration=10, endTime=933 446 308, id=13 776, memoryUsageAfterGc={GcThreadCount=1, duration=10, endTime=933446308, id=13776, memoryUsageAfterGc=[{key=CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods', value={committed=20840448, init=2555904, max=122912768, used=17985664}}, {key=Eden Space, value={committed=136445952, init=8912896, max=136445952, used=0}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods', value={committed=19005440, init=2555904, max=122916864, used=18474112}}, {key=Survivor Space, value={committed=17039360, init=1114112, max=17039360, used=2301576}}, {key=Compressed Class Space, value={committed=6684672, init=0, max=1073741824, used=5965840}}, {key=Metaspace, value={committed=66977792, init=0, max=-1, used=65027304}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-nmethods', value={committed=2555904, init=2555904, max=5828608, used=1422080}}, {key=Tenured Gen, value={committed=341180416, init=22413312, max=341180416, used=104819176}}], memoryUsageBeforeGc=[{key=CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods', value={committed=20840448, init=2555904, max=122912768, used=17985664}}, {key=Eden Space, value={committed=136445952, init=8912896, max=136445952, used=136337152}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods', value={committed=19005440, init=2555904, max=122916864, used=18474112}}, {key=Survivor Space, value={committed=17039360, init=1114112, max=17039360, used=8178096}}, {key=Compressed Class Space, value={committed=6684672, init=0, max=1073741824, used=5965840}}, {key=Metaspace, value={committed=66977792, init=0, max=-1, used=65027304}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-nmethods', value={committed=2555904, init=2555904, max=5828608, used=1422080}}, {key=Tenured Gen, value={committed=341180416, init=22413312, max=341180416, used=104819176}}], startTime=933446298}, memoryUsageBeforeGc={GcThreadCount=1, duration=10, endTime=933446308, id=13776, memoryUsageAfterGc=[{key=CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods', value={committed=20840448, init=2555904, max=122912768, used=17985664}}, {key=Eden Space, value={committed=136445952, init=8912896, max=136445952, used=0}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods', value={committed=19005440, init=2555904, max=122916864, used=18474112}}, {key=Survivor Space, value={committed=17039360, init=1114112, max=17039360, used=2301576}}, {key=Compressed Class Space, value={committed=6684672, init=0, max=1073741824, used=5965840}}, {key=Metaspace, value={committed=66977792, init=0, max=-1, used=65027304}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-nmethods', value={committed=2555904, init=2555904, max=5828608, used=1422080}}, {key=Tenured Gen, value={committed=341180416, init=22413312, max=341180416, used=104819176}}], memoryUsageBeforeGc=[{key=CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods', value={committed=20840448, init=2555904, max=122912768, used=17985664}}, {key=Eden Space, value={committed=136445952, init=8912896, max=136445952, used=136337152}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods', value={committed=19005440, init=2555904, max=122916864, used=18474112}}, {key=Survivor Space, value={committed=17039360, init=1114112, max=17039360, used=8178096}}, {key=Compressed Class Space, value={committed=6684672, init=0, max=1073741824, used=5965840}}, {key=Metaspace, value={committed=66977792, init=0, max=-1, used=65027304}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-nmethods', value={committed=2555904, init=2555904, max=5828608, used=1422080}}, {key=Tenured Gen, value={committed=341180416, init=22413312, max=341180416, used=104819176}}], startTime=933446298}, startTime=933 446 298} | |
- MemoryPoolNames | [Eden Space, Survivor Space] | |
- Name | Copy | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=Copy | |
- Valid | true |
- CollectionUsage | {committed=136 445 952, init=8 912 896, max=136 445 952, used=0} | |
- CollectionUsageThreshold | 0 | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdCount | 0 | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdExceeded | false | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdSupported | true | |
- MemoryManagerNames | [Copy, MarkSweepCompact] | |
- Name | Eden Space | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Eden Space | |
- PeakUsage | {committed=136 445 952, init=8 912 896, max=136 445 952, used=136 445 952} | |
- Type | HEAP | |
- Usage | {committed=136 445 952, init=8 912 896, max=136 445 952, used=1 797 712} | |
- UsageThresholdSupported | false | |
- Valid | true |
- CollectionCount | 474 | |
- CollectionTime | 302 718 | |
- LastGcInfo | {GcThreadCount=1, duration=112, endTime=933 502 302, id=474, memoryUsageAfterGc={GcThreadCount=1, duration=112, endTime=933502302, id=474, memoryUsageAfterGc=[{key=CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods', value={committed=20840448, init=2555904, max=122912768, used=17987200}}, {key=Eden Space, value={committed=136445952, init=8912896, max=136445952, used=0}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods', value={committed=19005440, init=2555904, max=122916864, used=18426496}}, {key=Survivor Space, value={committed=17039360, init=1114112, max=17039360, used=0}}, {key=Compressed Class Space, value={committed=6684672, init=0, max=1073741824, used=5965840}}, {key=Metaspace, value={committed=66977792, init=0, max=-1, used=65027304}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-nmethods', value={committed=2555904, init=2555904, max=5828608, used=1422080}}, {key=Tenured Gen, value={committed=341180416, init=22413312, max=341180416, used=91771800}}], memoryUsageBeforeGc=[{key=CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods', value={committed=20840448, init=2555904, max=122912768, used=17987200}}, {key=Eden Space, value={committed=136445952, init=8912896, max=136445952, used=102921800}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods', value={committed=19005440, init=2555904, max=122916864, used=18426496}}, {key=Survivor Space, value={committed=17039360, init=1114112, max=17039360, used=2301576}}, {key=Compressed Class Space, value={committed=6684672, init=0, max=1073741824, used=5965840}}, {key=Metaspace, value={committed=66977792, init=0, max=-1, used=65027304}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-nmethods', value={committed=2555904, init=2555904, max=5828608, used=1422080}}, {key=Tenured Gen, value={committed=341180416, init=22413312, max=341180416, used=104819176}}], startTime=933502190}, memoryUsageBeforeGc={GcThreadCount=1, duration=112, endTime=933502302, id=474, memoryUsageAfterGc=[{key=CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods', value={committed=20840448, init=2555904, max=122912768, used=17987200}}, {key=Eden Space, value={committed=136445952, init=8912896, max=136445952, used=0}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods', value={committed=19005440, init=2555904, max=122916864, used=18426496}}, {key=Survivor Space, value={committed=17039360, init=1114112, max=17039360, used=0}}, {key=Compressed Class Space, value={committed=6684672, init=0, max=1073741824, used=5965840}}, {key=Metaspace, value={committed=66977792, init=0, max=-1, used=65027304}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-nmethods', value={committed=2555904, init=2555904, max=5828608, used=1422080}}, {key=Tenured Gen, value={committed=341180416, init=22413312, max=341180416, used=91771800}}], memoryUsageBeforeGc=[{key=CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods', value={committed=20840448, init=2555904, max=122912768, used=17987200}}, {key=Eden Space, value={committed=136445952, init=8912896, max=136445952, used=102921800}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods', value={committed=19005440, init=2555904, max=122916864, used=18426496}}, {key=Survivor Space, value={committed=17039360, init=1114112, max=17039360, used=2301576}}, {key=Compressed Class Space, value={committed=6684672, init=0, max=1073741824, used=5965840}}, {key=Metaspace, value={committed=66977792, init=0, max=-1, used=65027304}}, {key=CodeHeap 'non-nmethods', value={committed=2555904, init=2555904, max=5828608, used=1422080}}, {key=Tenured Gen, value={committed=341180416, init=22413312, max=341180416, used=104819176}}], startTime=933502190}, startTime=933 502 190} | |
- MemoryPoolNames | [Eden Space, Survivor Space, Tenured Gen] | |
- Name | MarkSweepCompact | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=MarkSweepCompact | |
- Valid | true |
- CollectionUsage | null | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdSupported | false | |
- MemoryManagerNames | [Metaspace Manager] | |
- Name | Metaspace | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Metaspace | |
- PeakUsage | {committed=66 977 792, init=0, max=-1, used=65 111 488} | |
- Type | NON_HEAP | |
- Usage | {committed=66 977 792, init=0, max=-1, used=65 111 488} | |
- UsageThreshold | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdCount | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdExceeded | false | |
- UsageThresholdSupported | true | |
- Valid | true |
- Arch | amd64 | |
- AvailableProcessors | 1 | |
- CommittedVirtualMemorySize | 2 964 455 424 | |
- FreePhysicalMemorySize | 69 931 008 | |
- FreeSwapSpaceSize | 0 | |
- MaxFileDescriptorCount | 4 096 | |
- Name | Linux | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=OperatingSystem | |
- OpenFileDescriptorCount | 192 | |
- ProcessCpuLoad | 0 | |
- ProcessCpuTime | 16 218 210 000 000 | |
- SystemCpuLoad | 0 | |
- SystemLoadAverage | 0 | |
- TotalPhysicalMemorySize | 2 045 435 904 | |
- TotalSwapSpaceSize | 0 | |
- Version | 3.10.0-1160.114.2.el7.x86_64 |
- BootClassPathSupported | false | |
- ClassPath | /opt/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar | |
- InputArguments | [--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED, -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/tomcat/conf/logging.properties, -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager, -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048, -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources, -Dorg.apache.catalina.security.SecurityListener.UMASK=0027, -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom, -Dignore.endorsed.dirs=, -Dcatalina.base=/opt/tomcat, -Dcatalina.home=/opt/tomcat, -Djava.io.tmpdir=/opt/tomcat/temp] | |
- LibraryPath | /usr/java/packages/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib | |
- ManagementSpecVersion | 2.0 | |
- Name | 809@vps363300.ovh.net | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=Runtime | |
- Pid | 809 | |
- SpecName | Java Virtual Machine Specification | |
- SpecVendor | Oracle Corporation | |
- SpecVersion | 11 | |
- StartTime | 1 734 894 846 208 | |
- SystemProperties | [{key=awt.toolkit, value=sun.awt.X11.XToolkit}, {key=java.specification.version, value=11}, {key=sun.cpu.isalist, value=}, {key=sun.jnu.encoding, value=UTF-8}, {key=java.class.path, value=/opt/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar}, {key=pid, value=809}, {key=java.vm.vendor, value=AdoptOpenJDK}, {key=sun.arch.data.model, value=64}, {key=sun.font.fontmanager, value=sun.awt.X11FontManager}, {key=java.vendor.url, value=https://adoptopenjdk.net/}, {key=catalina.useNaming, value=true}, {key=user.timezone, value=Europe/Paris}, {key=os.name, value=Linux}, {key=java.vm.specification.version, value=11}, {key=sun.java.launcher, value=SUN_STANDARD}, {key=user.country, value=US}, {key=sun.boot.library.path, value=/opt/jdk-11.0.6+10/lib}, {key=sun.java.command, value=org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start}, {key=jdk.debug, value=release}, {key=sun.cpu.endian, value=little}, {key=user.home, value=/root}, {key=user.language, value=en}, {key=java.specification.vendor, value=Oracle Corporation}, {key=java.naming.factory.url.pkgs, value=org.apache.naming}, {key=java.version.date, value=2020-01-14}, {key=java.home, value=/opt/jdk-11.0.6+10}, {key=ignore.endorsed.dirs, value=}, {key=file.separator, value=/}, {key=java.vm.compressedOopsMode, value=32-bit}, {key=line.separator, value= }, {key=java.specification.name, value=Java Platform API Specification}, {key=java.vm.specification.vendor, value=Oracle Corporation}, {key=java.awt.graphicsenv, value=sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment}, {key=package.access, value=sun.,org.apache.catalina.,org.apache.coyote.,org.apache.jasper.,org.apache.tomcat.}, {key=package.definition, value=sun.,java.,org.apache.catalina.,org.apache.coyote.,org.apache.jasper.,org.apache.naming.,org.apache.tomcat.}, {key=jdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize, value=2048}, {key=server.loader, value=}, {key=java.util.logging.config.file, value=/opt/tomcat/conf/logging.properties}, {key=java.protocol.handler.pkgs, value=org.apache.catalina.webresources}, {key=sun.management.compiler, value=HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers}, {key=java.runtime.version, value=11.0.6+10}, {key=java.naming.factory.initial, value=org.apache.naming.java.javaURLContextFactory}, {key=user.name, value=root}, {key=path.separator, value=:}, {key=java.security.egd, value=file:/dev/./urandom}, {key=common.loader, value="${catalina.base}/lib","${catalina.base}/lib/*.jar","${catalina.home}/lib","${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar"}, {key=os.version, value=3.10.0-1160.114.2.el7.x86_64}, {key=java.runtime.name, value=OpenJDK Runtime Environment}, {key=file.encoding, value=UTF-8}, {key=java.vm.name, value=OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM}, {key=java.vendor.version, value=AdoptOpenJDK}, {key=org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityListener.UMASK, value=0027}, {key=java.vendor.url.bug, value=https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-support/issues}, {key=java.io.tmpdir, value=/opt/tomcat/temp}, {key=tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToScan, value=log4j-taglib*.jar,log4j-web*.jar,log4javascript*.jar,slf4j-taglib*.jar}, {key=catalina.home, value=/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33}, {key=java.version, value=11.0.6}, {key=tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToSkip, value=annotations-api.jar,ant-junit*.jar,ant-launcher.jar,ant.jar,asm-*.jar,aspectj*.jar,bootstrap.jar,catalina-ant.jar,catalina-ha.jar,catalina-ssi.jar,catalina-storeconfig.jar,catalina-tribes.jar,catalina.jar,cglib-*.jar,cobertura-*.jar,commons-beanutils*.jar,commons-codec*.jar,commons-collections*.jar,commons-daemon.jar,commons-dbcp*.jar,commons-digester*.jar,commons-fileupload*.jar,commons-httpclient*.jar,commons-io*.jar,commons-lang*.jar,commons-logging*.jar,commons-math*.jar,commons-pool*.jar,dom4j-*.jar,easymock-*.jar,ecj-*.jar,el-api.jar,geronimo-spec-jaxrpc*.jar,h2*.jar,hamcrest-*.jar,hibernate*.jar,httpclient*.jar,icu4j-*.jar,jasper-el.jar,jasper.jar,jaspic-api.jar,jaxb-*.jar,jaxen-*.jar,jdom-*.jar,jetty-*.jar,jmx-tools.jar,jmx.jar,jsp-api.jar,jstl.jar,jta*.jar,junit-*.jar,junit.jar,log4j*.jar,mail*.jar,objenesis-*.jar,oraclepki.jar,oro-*.jar,servlet-api-*.jar,servlet-api.jar,slf4j*.jar,taglibs-standard-spec-*.jar,tagsoup-*.jar,tomcat-api.jar,tomcat-coyote.jar,tomcat-dbcp.jar,tomcat-i18n-*.jar,tomcat-jdbc.jar,tomcat-jni.jar,tomcat-juli-adapters.jar,tomcat-juli.jar,tomcat-util-scan.jar,tomcat-util.jar,tomcat-websocket.jar,tools.jar,websocket-api.jar,wsdl4j*.jar,xercesImpl.jar,xml-apis.jar,xmlParserAPIs-*.jar,xmlParserAPIs.jar,xom-*.jar}, {key=user.dir, value=/}, {key=os.arch, value=amd64}, {key=java.vm.specification.name, value=Java Virtual Machine Specification}, {key=java.awt.printerjob, value=sun.print.PSPrinterJob}, {key=sun.os.patch.level, value=unknown}, {key=catalina.base, value=/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.33}, {key=shared.loader, value=}, {key=java.util.logging.manager, value=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager}, {key=java.library.path, value=/usr/java/packages/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib}, {key=java.vendor, value=AdoptOpenJDK}, {key=java.vm.info, value=mixed mode}, {key=java.vm.version, value=11.0.6+10}, {key=sun.io.unicode.encoding, value=UnicodeLittle}, {key=tomcat.util.buf.StringCache.byte.enabled, value=true}, {key=java.class.version, value=55.0}] | |
- Uptime | 933 594 413 | |
- VmName | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM | |
- VmVendor | AdoptOpenJDK | |
- VmVersion | 11.0.6+10 |
- CollectionUsage | {committed=17 039 360, init=1 114 112, max=17 039 360, used=0} | |
- CollectionUsageThreshold | 0 | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdCount | 0 | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdExceeded | false | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdSupported | true | |
- MemoryManagerNames | [Copy, MarkSweepCompact] | |
- Name | Survivor Space | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Survivor Space | |
- PeakUsage | {committed=17 039 360, init=1 114 112, max=17 039 360, used=17 039 360} | |
- Type | HEAP | |
- Usage | {committed=17 039 360, init=1 114 112, max=17 039 360, used=0} | |
- UsageThresholdSupported | false | |
- Valid | true |
- CollectionUsage | {committed=341 180 416, init=22 413 312, max=341 180 416, used=91 771 800} | |
- CollectionUsageThreshold | 0 | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdCount | 0 | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdExceeded | false | |
- CollectionUsageThresholdSupported | true | |
- MemoryManagerNames | [MarkSweepCompact] | |
- Name | Tenured Gen | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Tenured Gen | |
- PeakUsage | {committed=341 180 416, init=22 413 312, max=341 180 416, used=341 180 416} | |
- Type | HEAP | |
- Usage | {committed=341 180 416, init=22 413 312, max=341 180 416, used=91 771 800} | |
- UsageThreshold | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdCount | 0 | |
- UsageThresholdExceeded | false | |
- UsageThresholdSupported | true | |
- Valid | true |
- AllThreadIds | [J@27bdfb95 | |
- CurrentThreadCpuTime | 22 424 550 157 | |
- CurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported | true | |
- CurrentThreadUserTime | 16 700 000 000 | |
- DaemonThreadCount | 65 | |
- ObjectMonitorUsageSupported | true | |
- ObjectName | java.lang:type=Threading | |
- PeakThreadCount | 139 | |
- SynchronizerUsageSupported | true | |
- ThreadAllocatedMemoryEnabled | true | |
- ThreadAllocatedMemorySupported | true | |
- ThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled | false | |
- ThreadContentionMonitoringSupported | true | |
- ThreadCount | 70 | |
- ThreadCpuTimeEnabled | true | |
- ThreadCpuTimeSupported | true | |
- TotalStartedThreadCount | 374 |
- LoggerNames | [, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina], org.apache.catalina.session, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[default], sun.net.www.protocol.http, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[TelephoneService], org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSource, org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig, org.apache.jasper, org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperInitializer, org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler, org.apache.catalina.util, org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.WebXmlParser, org.apache.catalina.webresources, jdk.event, org.apache.tomcat.util.net, org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester, sun.awt.multiscreen.SunDisplayChanger, sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[GradeService], org.apache.jasper.compiler, org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web, org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet, org.apache.tomcat.websocket, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo], org.apache.catalina.webresources.JarWarResource, org.apache.tomcat.dbcp, org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.ObjectNameWrapper, org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[MailService], org.apache.catalina, sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[AdresseService], org.apache.tomcat, org.apache.jasper.servlet, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[PersonneService], org.apache.catalina.webresources.JarResourceRoot, jdk.event.security, org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.sax, org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext, org.apache, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[CompetenceService], sun.net, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase, org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.WebXml, org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner, org.apache.jasper.compiler.JDTCompiler, org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.tld, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[AuthentificationService], sun, sun.net.www.protocol, sun.awt.multiscreen, sun.net.www, org.apache.jasper.EmbeddedServletOptions, org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2, org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspConfig, org.apache.tomcat.util.scan, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[PermissionService], org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSourceFactory, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[BuildInfoServlet], org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[RoleService], org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost], org.apache.tomcat.util.digester, org.apache.catalina.util.SessionIdGeneratorBase, org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SSLHostConfig, org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.PoolableConnectionFactory, sun.awt.screen, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[UtilisateurService], sun.awt.screen.X11GraphicsEnvironment, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[jsp], org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.PoolingDataSource, sun.awt, org, org.apache.catalina.session.ManagerBase, org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase, org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager, org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.tld.TldParser, org.apache.catalina.authenticator, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/demo].[PrintUtilsService], jdk, org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper, org.apache.tomcat.util, org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SSLHostConfigCertificate, org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext, org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper, org.apache.tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanner, org.apache.tomcat.websocket.WsWebSocketContainer, org.apache.catalina.core] | |
- ObjectName | java.util.logging:type=Logging |
- Configurations | [{contents=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Recommended way to edit .jfc files is to use Java Mission Control, see Window -> Flight Recorder Template Manager. --> <configuration version="2.0" label="Profiling" description="Low overhead configuration for profiling, typically around 2 % overhead." provider="Oracle"> <event name="jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ClassLoaderStatistics"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaThreadStatistics"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadStart"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadEnd"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadSleep"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadPark"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaMonitorEnter"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaMonitorWait"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaMonitorInflate"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.BiasedLockRevocation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ReservedStackActivation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ClassLoad"> <setting name="enabled" control="class-loading-enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ClassDefine"> <setting name="enabled" control="class-loading-enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ClassUnload"> <setting name="enabled" control="class-loading-enabled">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JVMInformation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.InitialSystemProperty"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ExecutionSample"> <setting name="enabled" control="method-sampling-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period" control="method-sampling-java-interval">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.NativeMethodSample"> <setting name="enabled" control="method-sampling-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period" control="method-sampling-native-interval">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointBegin"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointStateSynchronization"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointWaitBlocked"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointCleanup"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointCleanupTask"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointEnd"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ExecuteVMOperation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.Shutdown"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadDump"> <setting name="enabled" control="thread-dump-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period" control="thread-dump-interval">60 s</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.IntFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.UnsignedIntFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.LongFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.UnsignedLongFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.DoubleFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.BooleanFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.StringFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.IntFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.UnsignedIntFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.LongFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.UnsignedLongFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.DoubleFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.BooleanFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.StringFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ObjectCount"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-all">false</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCHeapConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.YoungGenerationConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCTLABConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCSurvivorConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ObjectCountAfterGC"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCHeapSummary"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.PSHeapSummary"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1HeapSummary"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.MetaspaceSummary"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.MetaspaceGCThreshold"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.MetaspaceAllocationFailure"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.MetaspaceOOM"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GarbageCollection"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ParallelOldGarbageCollection"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.YoungGarbageCollection"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.OldGarbageCollection"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1GarbageCollection"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhasePause"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel1"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel2"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel3"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel4"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhaseConcurrent"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCReferenceStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.PromotionFailed"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.EvacuationFailed"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.EvacuationInformation"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1MMU"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1EvacuationYoungStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1EvacuationOldStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1BasicIHOP"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1AdaptiveIHOP"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.PromoteObjectInNewPLAB"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.PromoteObjectOutsidePLAB"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ConcurrentModeFailure"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.AllocationRequiringGC"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.TenuringDistribution"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1HeapRegionInformation"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">false</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1HeapRegionTypeChange"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.OldObjectSample"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-leak-detection-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace" control="memory-leak-detection-stack-trace">true</setting> <setting name="cutoff" control="memory-leak-detection-cutoff">0 ns</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CompilerConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CompilerStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.Compilation"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="compiler-compilation-threshold">100 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CompilerPhase"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="compiler-phase-threshold">10 s</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CompilationFailure"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled-failure">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CompilerInlining"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled-failure">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CodeSweeperConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CodeSweeperStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SweepCodeCache"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="compiler-sweeper-threshold">100 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CodeCacheConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CodeCacheStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CodeCacheFull"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.OSInformation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.VirtualizationInformation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CPUInformation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadContextSwitchRate"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">10 s</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CPULoad"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadCPULoad"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">10 s</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CPUTimeStampCounter"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SystemProcess"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">endChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.NetworkUtilization"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">5 s</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.InitialEnvironmentVariable"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.PhysicalMemory"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.NativeLibrary"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ModuleRequire"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">endChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ModuleExport"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">endChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.FileForce"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="file-io-threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.FileRead"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="file-io-threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.FileWrite"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="file-io-threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SocketRead"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="socket-io-threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SocketWrite"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="socket-io-threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SecurityPropertyModification"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.TLSHandshake"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.X509Validation"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.X509Certificate"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaExceptionThrow"> <setting name="enabled" control="enable-exceptions">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaErrorThrow"> <setting name="enabled" control="enable-errors">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ExceptionStatistics"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ActiveRecording"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ActiveSetting"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.DataLoss"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.DumpReason"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ZPageAllocation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ZThreadPhase"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ZStatisticsCounter"> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ZStatisticsSampler"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <!-- Contents of the control element is not read by the JVM, it's used by Java Mission Control to change settings that carry the control attribute. --> <control> <selection name="gc-level" default="detailed" label="Garbage Collector"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Normal" name="detailed">normal</option> <option label="All" name="all">all</option> </selection> <condition name="gc-enabled-normal" true="true" false="false"> <or> <test name="gc-level" operator="equal" value="normal"/> <test name="gc-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="gc-enabled-all" true="true" false="false"> <test name="gc-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <selection name="memory-profiling" default="medium" label="Memory Profiling"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Object Allocation and Promotion" name="medium">medium</option> <option label="All, including Heap Statistics (May cause long full GCs)" name="all">all</option> </selection> <condition name="memory-profiling-enabled-medium" true="true" false="false"> <or> <test name="memory-profiling" operator="equal" value="medium"/> <test name="memory-profiling" operator="equal" value="all"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="memory-profiling-enabled-all" true="true" false="false"> <test name="memory-profiling" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <selection name="compiler-level" default="detailed" label="Compiler"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Normal" name="normal">normal</option> <option label="Detailed" name="detailed">detailed</option> <option label="All" name="all">all</option> </selection> <condition name="compiler-enabled" true="false" false="true"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="off"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-enabled-failure" true="true" false="false"> <or> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="detailed"/> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="compiler-sweeper-threshold" true="0 ms" false="100 ms"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-compilation-threshold" true="1000 ms"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="normal"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-compilation-threshold" true="100 ms"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="detailed"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-compilation-threshold" true="0 ms"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-phase-threshold" true="60 s"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="normal"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-phase-threshold" true="10 s"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="detailed"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-phase-threshold" true="0 s"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <selection name="method-sampling-interval" default="normal" label="Method Sampling"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Normal" name="normal">normal</option> <option label="High" name="high">high</option> <option label="Ludicrous (High Overhead)" name="ludicrous">ludicrous</option> </selection> <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="999 d"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="off"/> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="20 ms"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="normal"/> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="10 ms"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="high"/> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="1 ms"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="ludicrous"/> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-native-interval" true="999 d"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="off"/> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-native-interval" true="20 ms"> <or> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="normal"/> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="high"/> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="ludicrous"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-enabled" true="false" false="true"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="off"/> </condition> <selection name="thread-dump-interval" default="everyMinute" label="Thread Dump"> <option label="Off" name="off">999 d</option> <option label="At least Once" name="normal">everyChunk</option> <option label="Every 60 s" name="everyMinute">60 s</option> <option label="Every 10 s" name="everyTenSecond">10 s</option> <option label="Every 1 s" name="everySecond">1 s</option> </selection> <condition name="thread-dump-enabled" true="false" false="true"> <test name="thread-dump-interval" operator="equal" value="999 d"/> </condition> <selection name="exception-level" default="errors" label="Exceptions"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Errors Only" name="errors">errors</option> <option label="All Exceptions, including Errors" name="all">all</option> </selection> <condition name="enable-errors" true="true" false="false"> <or> <test name="exception-level" operator="equal" value="errors"/> <test name="exception-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="enable-exceptions" true="true" false="false"> <test name="exception-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <selection name="memory-leak-detection" default="medium" label="Memory Leak Detection"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Object Types" name="minimal">minimal</option> <option label="Object Types + Allocation Stack Traces" name="medium">medium</option> <option label="Object Types + Allocation Stack Traces + Path to GC Root" name="full">full</option> </selection> <condition name="memory-leak-detection-enabled" true="false" false="true"> <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="off"/> </condition> <condition name="memory-leak-detection-stack-trace" true="true" false="false"> <or> <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="medium"/> <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="full"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="memory-leak-detection-cutoff" true="1 h" false="0 ns"> <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="full"/> </condition> <text name="synchronization-threshold" label="Synchronization Threshold" contentType="timespan" minimum="0 s">10 ms</text> <text name="file-io-threshold" label="File I/O Threshold" contentType="timespan" minimum="0 s">10 ms</text> <text name="socket-io-threshold" label="Socket I/O Threshold" contentType="timespan" minimum="0 s">10 ms</text> <flag name="class-loading-enabled" label="Class Loading">false</flag> </control> </configuration> , description=Low overhead configuration for profiling, typically around 2 % overhead., label=Profiling, name=profile, provider=Oracle, settings=[{key=jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics#period, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.ClassLoaderStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ClassLoaderStatistics#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.JavaThreadStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaThreadStatistics#period, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.ThreadStart#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadEnd#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadSleep#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadSleep#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadSleep#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.ThreadPark#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadPark#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadPark#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorEnter#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorEnter#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorEnter#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorWait#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorWait#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorWait#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorInflate#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorInflate#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorInflate#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockRevocation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockRevocation#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockRevocation#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.ReservedStackActivation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ReservedStackActivation#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ClassLoad#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.ClassLoad#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ClassLoad#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.ClassDefine#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.ClassDefine#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ClassUnload#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.JVMInformation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JVMInformation#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.InitialSystemProperty#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.InitialSystemProperty#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.ExecutionSample#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ExecutionSample#period, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.NativeMethodSample#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.NativeMethodSample#period, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointBegin#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.SafepointBegin#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointStateSynchronization#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SafepointStateSynchronization#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointWaitBlocked#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SafepointWaitBlocked#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointCleanup#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SafepointCleanup#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointCleanupTask#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SafepointCleanupTask#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointEnd#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SafepointEnd#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.ExecuteVMOperation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ExecuteVMOperation#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.Shutdown#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.Shutdown#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadDump#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadDump#period, value=60 s}, {key=jdk.IntFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.IntFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.UnsignedIntFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.UnsignedIntFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.LongFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.LongFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.UnsignedLongFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.UnsignedLongFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.DoubleFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.DoubleFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.BooleanFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.BooleanFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.StringFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.StringFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.IntFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.UnsignedIntFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.LongFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.UnsignedLongFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.DoubleFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.BooleanFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.StringFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ObjectCount#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.ObjectCount#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.GCConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCConfiguration#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.GCHeapConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCHeapConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.YoungGenerationConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.YoungGenerationConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.GCTLABConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCTLABConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.GCSurvivorConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCSurvivorConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.ObjectCountAfterGC#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.GCHeapSummary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.PSHeapSummary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1HeapSummary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceSummary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceGCThreshold#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceAllocationFailure#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceAllocationFailure#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceOOM#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceOOM#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GarbageCollection#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GarbageCollection#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.ParallelOldGarbageCollection#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ParallelOldGarbageCollection#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.YoungGarbageCollection#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.YoungGarbageCollection#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.OldGarbageCollection#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.OldGarbageCollection#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.G1GarbageCollection#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1GarbageCollection#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePause#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePause#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel1#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel1#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel2#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel2#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel3#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel3#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel4#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel4#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhaseConcurrent#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCPhaseConcurrent#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCReferenceStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.PromotionFailed#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.EvacuationFailed#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.EvacuationInformation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1MMU#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1EvacuationYoungStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1EvacuationOldStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1BasicIHOP#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1AdaptiveIHOP#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.PromoteObjectInNewPLAB#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.PromoteObjectOutsidePLAB#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ConcurrentModeFailure#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.AllocationRequiringGC#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.AllocationRequiringGC#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.TenuringDistribution#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1HeapRegionInformation#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.G1HeapRegionInformation#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.G1HeapRegionTypeChange#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.OldObjectSample#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.OldObjectSample#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.OldObjectSample#cutoff, value=0 ns}, {key=jdk.CompilerConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CompilerConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.CompilerStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CompilerStatistics#period, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.Compilation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.Compilation#threshold, value=100 ms}, {key=jdk.CompilerPhase#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CompilerPhase#threshold, value=10 s}, {key=jdk.CompilationFailure#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CompilerInlining#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.CodeSweeperConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CodeSweeperConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.CodeSweeperStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CodeSweeperStatistics#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.SweepCodeCache#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.SweepCodeCache#threshold, value=100 ms}, {key=jdk.CodeCacheConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CodeCacheConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.CodeCacheStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CodeCacheStatistics#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.CodeCacheFull#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.OSInformation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.OSInformation#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.VirtualizationInformation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.VirtualizationInformation#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.CPUInformation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CPUInformation#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.ThreadContextSwitchRate#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadContextSwitchRate#period, value=10 s}, {key=jdk.CPULoad#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CPULoad#period, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.ThreadCPULoad#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadCPULoad#period, value=10 s}, {key=jdk.CPUTimeStampCounter#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CPUTimeStampCounter#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.SystemProcess#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.SystemProcess#period, value=endChunk}, {key=jdk.NetworkUtilization#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.NetworkUtilization#period, value=5 s}, {key=jdk.InitialEnvironmentVariable#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.InitialEnvironmentVariable#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.PhysicalMemory#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.PhysicalMemory#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.NativeLibrary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.NativeLibrary#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.ModuleRequire#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ModuleRequire#period, value=endChunk}, {key=jdk.ModuleExport#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ModuleExport#period, value=endChunk}, {key=jdk.FileForce#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileForce#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileForce#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.FileRead#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileRead#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileRead#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.FileWrite#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileWrite#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileWrite#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.SocketRead#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.SocketRead#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.SocketRead#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.SocketWrite#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.SocketWrite#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.SocketWrite#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.SecurityPropertyModification#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SecurityPropertyModification#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.TLSHandshake#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.TLSHandshake#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.X509Validation#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.X509Validation#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.X509Certificate#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.X509Certificate#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaExceptionThrow#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.JavaExceptionThrow#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaErrorThrow#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaErrorThrow#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ExceptionStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ExceptionStatistics#period, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.ActiveRecording#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ActiveSetting#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.DataLoss#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.DumpReason#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ZPageAllocation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ZPageAllocation#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.ZThreadPhase#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ZThreadPhase#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.ZStatisticsCounter#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.ZStatisticsCounter#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ZStatisticsSampler#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ZStatisticsSampler#threshold, value=10 ms}]}, {contents=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Recommended way to edit .jfc files is to use Java Mission Control, see Window -> Flight Recorder Template Manager. --> <configuration version="2.0" label="Continuous" description="Low overhead configuration safe for continuous use in production environments, typically less than 1 % overhead." provider="Oracle"> <event name="jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ClassLoaderStatistics"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaThreadStatistics"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadStart"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadEnd"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadSleep"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadPark"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaMonitorEnter"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaMonitorWait"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaMonitorInflate"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.BiasedLockRevocation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ReservedStackActivation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ClassLoad"> <setting name="enabled" control="class-loading-enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ClassDefine"> <setting name="enabled" control="class-loading-enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ClassUnload"> <setting name="enabled" control="class-loading-enabled">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JVMInformation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.InitialSystemProperty"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ExecutionSample"> <setting name="enabled" control="method-sampling-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period" control="method-sampling-java-interval">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.NativeMethodSample"> <setting name="enabled" control="method-sampling-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period" control="method-sampling-native-interval">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointBegin"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointStateSynchronization"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointWaitBlocked"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointCleanup"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointCleanupTask"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SafepointEnd"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ExecuteVMOperation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.Shutdown"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadDump"> <setting name="enabled" control="thread-dump-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period" control="thread-dump-interval">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.IntFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.UnsignedIntFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.LongFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.UnsignedLongFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.DoubleFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.BooleanFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.StringFlag"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.IntFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.UnsignedIntFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.LongFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.UnsignedLongFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.DoubleFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.BooleanFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.StringFlagChanged"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ObjectCount"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-all">false</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCHeapConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.YoungGenerationConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCTLABConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCSurvivorConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ObjectCountAfterGC"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCHeapSummary"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.PSHeapSummary"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1HeapSummary"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.MetaspaceSummary"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.MetaspaceGCThreshold"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.MetaspaceAllocationFailure"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.MetaspaceOOM"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GarbageCollection"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ParallelOldGarbageCollection"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.YoungGarbageCollection"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.OldGarbageCollection"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1GarbageCollection"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhasePause"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel1"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel2"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel3"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel4"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">false</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCPhaseConcurrent"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.GCReferenceStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.PromotionFailed"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.EvacuationFailed"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.EvacuationInformation"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1MMU"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1EvacuationYoungStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1EvacuationOldStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1BasicIHOP"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1AdaptiveIHOP"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.PromoteObjectInNewPLAB"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.PromoteObjectOutsidePLAB"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ConcurrentModeFailure"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.AllocationRequiringGC"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.TenuringDistribution"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1HeapRegionInformation"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">false</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.G1HeapRegionTypeChange"> <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.OldObjectSample"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-leak-detection-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace" control="memory-leak-detection-stack-trace">false</setting> <setting name="cutoff" control="memory-leak-detection-cutoff">0 ns</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CompilerConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CompilerStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.Compilation"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="compiler-compilation-threshold">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CompilerPhase"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="compiler-phase-threshold">60 s</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CompilationFailure"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled-failure">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CompilerInlining"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled-failure">false</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CodeSweeperConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CodeSweeperStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SweepCodeCache"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="compiler-sweeper-threshold">100 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CodeCacheConfiguration"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CodeCacheStatistics"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CodeCacheFull"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.OSInformation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.VirtualizationInformation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CPUInformation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadContextSwitchRate"> <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">10 s</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CPULoad"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ThreadCPULoad"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">10 s</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.CPUTimeStampCounter"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SystemProcess"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">endChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.NetworkUtilization"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">5 s</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.InitialEnvironmentVariable"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">beginChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.PhysicalMemory"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB"> <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.NativeLibrary"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">everyChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ModuleRequire"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">endChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ModuleExport"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">endChunk</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.FileForce"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="file-io-threshold">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.FileRead"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="file-io-threshold">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.FileWrite"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="file-io-threshold">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SocketRead"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="socket-io-threshold">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SocketWrite"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> <setting name="threshold" control="socket-io-threshold">20 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.SecurityPropertyModification"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.TLSHandshake"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.X509Validation"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.X509Certificate"> <setting name="enabled">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaExceptionThrow"> <setting name="enabled" control="enable-exceptions">false</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.JavaErrorThrow"> <setting name="enabled" control="enable-errors">true</setting> <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ExceptionStatistics"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="period">1000 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ActiveRecording"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ActiveSetting"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.DataLoss"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.DumpReason"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ZPageAllocation"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ZThreadPhase"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">0 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ZStatisticsCounter"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <event name="jdk.ZStatisticsSampler"> <setting name="enabled">true</setting> <setting name="threshold">10 ms</setting> </event> <!-- Contents of the control element is not read by the JVM, it's used by Java Mission Control to change settings that carry the control attribute. --> <control> <selection name="gc-level" default="detailed" label="Garbage Collector"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Normal" name="detailed">normal</option> <option label="All" name="all">all</option> </selection> <condition name="gc-enabled-normal" true="true" false="false"> <or> <test name="gc-level" operator="equal" value="normal"/> <test name="gc-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="gc-enabled-all" true="true" false="false"> <test name="gc-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <selection name="memory-profiling" default="off" label="Memory Profiling"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Object Allocation and Promotion" name="medium">medium</option> <option label="All, including Heap Statistics (May cause long full GCs)" name="all">all</option> </selection> <condition name="memory-profiling-enabled-medium" true="true" false="false"> <or> <test name="memory-profiling" operator="equal" value="medium"/> <test name="memory-profiling" operator="equal" value="all"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="memory-profiling-enabled-all" true="true" false="false"> <test name="memory-profiling" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <selection name="compiler-level" default="normal" label="Compiler"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Normal" name="normal">normal</option> <option label="Detailed" name="detailed">detailed</option> <option label="All" name="all">all</option> </selection> <condition name="compiler-enabled" true="false" false="true"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="off"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-enabled-failure" true="true" false="false"> <or> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="detailed"/> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="compiler-sweeper-threshold" true="0 ms" false="100 ms"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-compilation-threshold" true="1000 ms"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="normal"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-compilation-threshold" true="100 ms"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="detailed"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-compilation-threshold" true="0 ms"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-phase-threshold" true="60 s"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="normal"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-phase-threshold" true="10 s"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="detailed"/> </condition> <condition name="compiler-phase-threshold" true="0 s"> <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <selection name="method-sampling-interval" default="normal" label="Method Sampling"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Normal" name="normal">normal</option> <option label="High" name="high">high</option> <option label="Ludicrous (High Overhead)" name="ludicrous">ludicrous</option> </selection> <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="999 d"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="off"/> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="20 ms"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="normal"/> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="10 ms"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="high"/> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="1 ms"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="ludicrous"/> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-native-interval" true="999 d"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="off"/> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-native-interval" true="20 ms"> <or> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="normal"/> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="high"/> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="ludicrous"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="method-sampling-enabled" true="false" false="true"> <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="off"/> </condition> <selection name="thread-dump-interval" default="normal" label="Thread Dump"> <option label="Off" name="off">999 d</option> <option label="At least Once" name="normal">everyChunk</option> <option label="Every 60 s" name="everyMinute">60 s</option> <option label="Every 10 s" name="everyTenSecond">10 s</option> <option label="Every 1 s" name="everySecond">1 s</option> </selection> <condition name="thread-dump-enabled" true="false" false="true"> <test name="thread-dump-interval" operator="equal" value="999 d"/> </condition> <selection name="exception-level" default="errors" label="Exceptions"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Errors Only" name="errors">errors</option> <option label="All Exceptions, including Errors" name="all">all</option> </selection> <condition name="enable-errors" true="true" false="false"> <or> <test name="exception-level" operator="equal" value="errors"/> <test name="exception-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="enable-exceptions" true="true" false="false"> <test name="exception-level" operator="equal" value="all"/> </condition> <selection name="memory-leak-detection" default="minimal" label="Memory Leak Detection"> <option label="Off" name="off">off</option> <option label="Object Types" name="minimal">minimal</option> <option label="Object Types + Allocation Stack Traces" name="medium">medium</option> <option label="Object Types + Allocation Stack Traces + Path to GC Root" name="full">full</option> </selection> <condition name="memory-leak-detection-enabled" true="false" false="true"> <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="off"/> </condition> <condition name="memory-leak-detection-stack-trace" true="true" false="false"> <or> <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="medium"/> <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="full"/> </or> </condition> <condition name="memory-leak-detection-cutoff" true="1 h" false="0 ns"> <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="full"/> </condition> <text name="synchronization-threshold" label="Synchronization Threshold" contentType="timespan" minimum="0 s">20 ms</text> <text name="file-io-threshold" label="File I/O Threshold" contentType="timespan" minimum="0 s">20 ms</text> <text name="socket-io-threshold" label="Socket I/O Threshold" contentType="timespan" minimum="0 s">20 ms</text> <flag name="class-loading-enabled" label="Class Loading">false</flag> </control> </configuration> , description=Low overhead configuration safe for continuous use in production environments, typically less than 1 % overhead., label=Continuous, name=default, provider=Oracle, settings=[{key=jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics#period, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.ClassLoaderStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ClassLoaderStatistics#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.JavaThreadStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaThreadStatistics#period, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.ThreadStart#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadEnd#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadSleep#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadSleep#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadSleep#threshold, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.ThreadPark#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadPark#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadPark#threshold, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorEnter#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorEnter#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorEnter#threshold, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorWait#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorWait#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorWait#threshold, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorInflate#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorInflate#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaMonitorInflate#threshold, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockRevocation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockRevocation#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockRevocation#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.ReservedStackActivation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ReservedStackActivation#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ClassLoad#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.ClassLoad#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ClassLoad#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.ClassDefine#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.ClassDefine#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ClassUnload#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.JVMInformation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JVMInformation#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.InitialSystemProperty#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.InitialSystemProperty#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.ExecutionSample#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ExecutionSample#period, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.NativeMethodSample#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.NativeMethodSample#period, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointBegin#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.SafepointBegin#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointStateSynchronization#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SafepointStateSynchronization#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointWaitBlocked#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SafepointWaitBlocked#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointCleanup#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SafepointCleanup#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointCleanupTask#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SafepointCleanupTask#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.SafepointEnd#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SafepointEnd#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.ExecuteVMOperation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ExecuteVMOperation#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.Shutdown#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.Shutdown#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadDump#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadDump#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.IntFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.IntFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.UnsignedIntFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.UnsignedIntFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.LongFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.LongFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.UnsignedLongFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.UnsignedLongFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.DoubleFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.DoubleFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.BooleanFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.BooleanFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.StringFlag#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.StringFlag#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.IntFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.UnsignedIntFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.LongFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.UnsignedLongFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.DoubleFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.BooleanFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.StringFlagChanged#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ObjectCount#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.ObjectCount#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.GCConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCConfiguration#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.GCHeapConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCHeapConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.YoungGenerationConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.YoungGenerationConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.GCTLABConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCTLABConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.GCSurvivorConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCSurvivorConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.ObjectCountAfterGC#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.GCHeapSummary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.PSHeapSummary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1HeapSummary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceSummary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceGCThreshold#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceAllocationFailure#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceAllocationFailure#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceOOM#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceOOM#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GarbageCollection#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GarbageCollection#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.ParallelOldGarbageCollection#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ParallelOldGarbageCollection#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.YoungGarbageCollection#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.YoungGarbageCollection#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.OldGarbageCollection#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.OldGarbageCollection#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.G1GarbageCollection#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1GarbageCollection#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePause#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePause#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel1#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel1#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel2#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel2#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel3#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel3#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel4#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel4#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCPhaseConcurrent#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.GCPhaseConcurrent#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.GCReferenceStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.PromotionFailed#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.EvacuationFailed#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.EvacuationInformation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1MMU#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1EvacuationYoungStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1EvacuationOldStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1BasicIHOP#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1AdaptiveIHOP#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.PromoteObjectInNewPLAB#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.PromoteObjectOutsidePLAB#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.ConcurrentModeFailure#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.AllocationRequiringGC#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.AllocationRequiringGC#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.TenuringDistribution#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.G1HeapRegionInformation#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.G1HeapRegionInformation#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.G1HeapRegionTypeChange#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.OldObjectSample#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.OldObjectSample#stackTrace, value=false}, {key=jdk.OldObjectSample#cutoff, value=0 ns}, {key=jdk.CompilerConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CompilerConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.CompilerStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CompilerStatistics#period, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.Compilation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.Compilation#threshold, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.CompilerPhase#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CompilerPhase#threshold, value=60 s}, {key=jdk.CompilationFailure#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.CompilerInlining#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.CodeSweeperConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CodeSweeperConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.CodeSweeperStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CodeSweeperStatistics#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.SweepCodeCache#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.SweepCodeCache#threshold, value=100 ms}, {key=jdk.CodeCacheConfiguration#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CodeCacheConfiguration#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.CodeCacheStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CodeCacheStatistics#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.CodeCacheFull#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.OSInformation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.OSInformation#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.VirtualizationInformation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.VirtualizationInformation#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.CPUInformation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CPUInformation#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.ThreadContextSwitchRate#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadContextSwitchRate#period, value=10 s}, {key=jdk.CPULoad#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CPULoad#period, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.ThreadCPULoad#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ThreadCPULoad#period, value=10 s}, {key=jdk.CPUTimeStampCounter#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.CPUTimeStampCounter#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.SystemProcess#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.SystemProcess#period, value=endChunk}, {key=jdk.NetworkUtilization#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.NetworkUtilization#period, value=5 s}, {key=jdk.InitialEnvironmentVariable#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.InitialEnvironmentVariable#period, value=beginChunk}, {key=jdk.PhysicalMemory#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.PhysicalMemory#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.NativeLibrary#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.NativeLibrary#period, value=everyChunk}, {key=jdk.ModuleRequire#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ModuleRequire#period, value=endChunk}, {key=jdk.ModuleExport#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ModuleExport#period, value=endChunk}, {key=jdk.FileForce#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileForce#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileForce#threshold, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.FileRead#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileRead#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileRead#threshold, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.FileWrite#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileWrite#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.FileWrite#threshold, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.SocketRead#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.SocketRead#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.SocketRead#threshold, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.SocketWrite#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.SocketWrite#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.SocketWrite#threshold, value=20 ms}, {key=jdk.SecurityPropertyModification#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.SecurityPropertyModification#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.TLSHandshake#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.TLSHandshake#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.X509Validation#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.X509Validation#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.X509Certificate#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.X509Certificate#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaExceptionThrow#enabled, value=false}, {key=jdk.JavaExceptionThrow#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaErrorThrow#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.JavaErrorThrow#stackTrace, value=true}, {key=jdk.ExceptionStatistics#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ExceptionStatistics#period, value=1000 ms}, {key=jdk.ActiveRecording#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ActiveSetting#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.DataLoss#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.DumpReason#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ZPageAllocation#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ZPageAllocation#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.ZThreadPhase#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ZThreadPhase#threshold, value=0 ms}, {key=jdk.ZStatisticsCounter#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ZStatisticsCounter#threshold, value=10 ms}, {key=jdk.ZStatisticsSampler#enabled, value=true}, {key=jdk.ZStatisticsSampler#threshold, value=10 ms}]}] | |
- EventTypes | [{categoryNames=[Java Development Kit, Security], description=Modification of Security property, id=9187, label=Security Property Modification, name=jdk.SecurityPropertyModification, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Development Kit, Security], description=Parameters used in TLS Handshake, id=8539, label=TLS Handshake, name=jdk.TLSHandshake, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Development Kit, Security], description=Serial numbers from X.509 Certificates forming chain of trust, id=8450, label=X509 Validation, name=jdk.X509Validation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Development Kit, Security], description=Details of X.509 Certificate parsed by JDK, id=7898, label=X509 Certificate, name=jdk.X509Certificate, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Flight Recorder], description=null, id=9185, label=Flight Recording, name=jdk.ActiveRecording, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Flight Recorder], description=null, id=9183, label=Recording Setting, name=jdk.ActiveSetting, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=An object derived from java.lang.Error has been created. OutOfMemoryErrors are ignored, id=9181, label=Java Error, name=jdk.JavaErrorThrow, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application, Statistics], description=Number of objects derived from java.lang.Throwable that have been created, id=9179, label=Exception Statistics, name=jdk.ExceptionStatistics, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=An object derived from java.lang.Exception has been created, id=9177, label=Java Exception, name=jdk.JavaExceptionThrow, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=Writing data to a socket, id=9175, label=Socket Write, name=jdk.SocketWrite, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=Reading data from a socket, id=9173, label=Socket Read, name=jdk.SocketRead, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=Writing data to a file, id=9171, label=File Write, name=jdk.FileWrite, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=Reading data from a file, id=9169, label=File Read, name=jdk.FileRead, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=Force updates to be written to file, id=9167, label=File Force, name=jdk.FileForce, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=null, id=255, label=Java Thread Start, name=jdk.ThreadStart, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=null, id=256, label=Java Thread End, name=jdk.ThreadEnd, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=null, id=257, label=Java Thread Sleep, name=jdk.ThreadSleep, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=null, id=258, label=Java Thread Park, name=jdk.ThreadPark, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=null, id=259, label=Java Monitor Blocked, name=jdk.JavaMonitorEnter, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=Waiting on a Java monitor, id=260, label=Java Monitor Wait, name=jdk.JavaMonitorWait, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=null, id=261, label=Java Monitor Inflated, name=jdk.JavaMonitorInflate, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime], description=Revoked bias of object, id=262, label=Biased Lock Revocation, name=jdk.BiasedLockRevocation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime], description=Revoked bias of object biased towards own thread, id=263, label=Biased Lock Self Revocation, name=jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime], description=Revoked biases for all instances of a class, id=264, label=Biased Lock Class Revocation, name=jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime], description=Activation of Reserved Stack Area caused by stack overflow with ReservedStackAccess annotated method in call stack, id=265, label=Reserved Stack Activation, name=jdk.ReservedStackActivation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Class Loading], description=null, id=266, label=Class Load, name=jdk.ClassLoad, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Class Loading], description=null, id=267, label=Class Define, name=jdk.ClassDefine, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Class Loading], description=null, id=268, label=Class Unload, name=jdk.ClassUnload, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=269, label=Int Flag Changed, name=jdk.IntFlagChanged, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=270, label=Unsigned Int Flag Changed, name=jdk.UnsignedIntFlagChanged, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=271, label=Long Flag Changed, name=jdk.LongFlagChanged, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=272, label=Unsigned Long Flag Changed, name=jdk.UnsignedLongFlagChanged, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=273, label=Double Flag Changed, name=jdk.DoubleFlagChanged, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=274, label=Boolean Flag Changed, name=jdk.BooleanFlagChanged, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=275, label=String Flag Changed, name=jdk.StringFlagChanged, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Heap], description=null, id=278, label=Heap Summary, name=jdk.GCHeapSummary, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Heap], description=null, id=280, label=Metaspace Summary, name=jdk.MetaspaceSummary, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Metaspace], description=null, id=281, label=Metaspace GC Threshold, name=jdk.MetaspaceGCThreshold, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Metaspace], description=null, id=282, label=Metaspace Allocation Failure, name=jdk.MetaspaceAllocationFailure, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Metaspace], description=null, id=283, label=Metaspace Out of Memory, name=jdk.MetaspaceOOM, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Metaspace], description=null, id=284, label=Metaspace Chunk Free List Summary, name=jdk.MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Heap], description=null, id=285, label=Parallel Scavenge Heap Summary, name=jdk.PSHeapSummary, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Heap], description=null, id=286, label=G1 Heap Summary, name=jdk.G1HeapSummary, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Collector], description=Garbage collection performed by the JVM, id=287, label=Garbage Collection, name=jdk.GarbageCollection, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Collector], description=Extra information specific to Parallel Old Garbage Collections, id=288, label=Parallel Old Garbage Collection, name=jdk.ParallelOldGarbageCollection, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Collector], description=Extra information specific to Young Garbage Collections, id=289, label=Young Garbage Collection, name=jdk.YoungGarbageCollection, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Collector], description=Extra information specific to Old Garbage Collections, id=290, label=Old Garbage Collection, name=jdk.OldGarbageCollection, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Collector], description=Extra information specific to G1 Garbage Collections, id=291, label=G1 Garbage Collection, name=jdk.G1GarbageCollection, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=null, id=292, label=G1 MMU Information, name=jdk.G1MMU, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=null, id=293, label=Evacuation Information, name=jdk.EvacuationInformation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Reference], description=Total count of processed references during GC, id=294, label=GC Reference Statistics, name=jdk.GCReferenceStatistics, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=null, id=296, label=Object Count after GC, name=jdk.ObjectCountAfterGC, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the young generation, id=298, label=G1 Evacuation Statistics for Young, name=jdk.G1EvacuationYoungStatistics, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the old generation, id=299, label=G1 Evacuation Memory Statistics for Old, name=jdk.G1EvacuationOldStatistics, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Basic statistics related to current IHOP calculation, id=300, label=G1 Basic IHOP Statistics, name=jdk.G1BasicIHOP, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Statistics related to current adaptive IHOP calculation, id=301, label=G1 Adaptive IHOP Statistics, name=jdk.G1AdaptiveIHOP, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Object survived scavenge and was copied to a new Promotion Local Allocation Buffer (PLAB). Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects., id=302, label=Promotion in new PLAB, name=jdk.PromoteObjectInNewPLAB, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Object survived scavenge and was copied directly to the heap. Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects., id=303, label=Promotion outside PLAB, name=jdk.PromoteObjectOutsidePLAB, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Promotion of an object failed, id=304, label=Promotion Failed, name=jdk.PromotionFailed, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Evacuation of an object failed, id=305, label=Evacuation Failed, name=jdk.EvacuationFailed, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Concurrent Mode failed, id=306, label=Concurrent Mode Failure, name=jdk.ConcurrentModeFailure, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases], description=null, id=307, label=GC Phase Pause, name=jdk.GCPhasePause, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases], description=null, id=308, label=GC Phase Pause Level 1, name=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel1, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases], description=null, id=309, label=GC Phase Pause Level 2, name=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel2, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases], description=null, id=310, label=GC Phase Pause Level 3, name=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel3, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases], description=null, id=311, label=GC Phase Pause Level 4, name=jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel4, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Phases], description=null, id=312, label=GC Phase Concurrent, name=jdk.GCPhaseConcurrent, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=null, id=313, label=Allocation Requiring GC, name=jdk.AllocationRequiringGC, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=null, id=314, label=Tenuring Distribution, name=jdk.TenuringDistribution, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Information about a G1 heap region type change, id=315, label=G1 Heap Region Type Change, name=jdk.G1HeapRegionTypeChange, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Compiler], description=null, id=316, label=Compilation, name=jdk.Compilation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Compiler], description=null, id=317, label=Compiler Phase, name=jdk.CompilerPhase, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Compiler], description=null, id=318, label=Compilation Failure, name=jdk.CompilationFailure, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Compiler, Optimization], description=null, id=320, label=Method Inlining, name=jdk.CompilerInlining, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Code Sweeper], description=null, id=321, label=Sweep Code Cache, name=jdk.SweepCodeCache, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Code Cache], description=null, id=322, label=Code Cache Full, name=jdk.CodeCacheFull, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint], description=Safepointing begin, id=323, label=Safepoint Begin, name=jdk.SafepointBegin, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint], description=Synchronize run state of threads, id=324, label=Safepoint State Synchronization, name=jdk.SafepointStateSynchronization, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint], description=Safepointing begin waiting on running threads to block, id=325, label=Safepoint Wait Blocked, name=jdk.SafepointWaitBlocked, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint], description=Safepointing begin running cleanup tasks, id=326, label=Safepoint Cleanup, name=jdk.SafepointCleanup, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint], description=Safepointing begin running cleanup tasks, id=327, label=Safepoint Cleanup Task, name=jdk.SafepointCleanupTask, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime, Safepoint], description=Safepointing end, id=328, label=Safepoint End, name=jdk.SafepointEnd, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime], description=Execution of a VM Operation, id=329, label=VM Operation, name=jdk.ExecuteVMOperation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime], description=JVM shutting down, id=330, label=JVM Shutdown, name=jdk.Shutdown, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=Allocation in new Thread Local Allocation Buffer, id=331, label=Allocation in new TLAB, name=jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application], description=Allocation outside Thread Local Allocation Buffers, id=332, label=Allocation outside TLAB, name=jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Profiling], description=A potential memory leak, id=333, label=Old Object Sample, name=jdk.OldObjectSample, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=true, description=Record stack traces, label=Stack Trace, name=stackTrace, typeName=jdk.settings.StackTrace}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=infinity, description=Limit running time of event, label=Cutoff, name=cutoff, typeName=jdk.settings.Cutoff}]}, {categoryNames=[Flight Recorder], description=Who requested the recording and why, id=334, label=Recording Reason, name=jdk.DumpReason, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Flight Recorder], description=Data could not be copied out from a buffer, typically because of contention, id=335, label=Data Loss, name=jdk.DataLoss, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine], description=Description of JVM and the Java application, id=336, label=JVM Information, name=jdk.JVMInformation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Operating System], description=null, id=337, label=OS Information, name=jdk.OSInformation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Operating System], description=null, id=338, label=Virtualization Information, name=jdk.VirtualizationInformation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine], description=System Property at JVM start, id=339, label=Initial System Property, name=jdk.InitialSystemProperty, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Operating System], description=null, id=340, label=Initial Environment Variable, name=jdk.InitialEnvironmentVariable, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Operating System], description=null, id=341, label=System Process, name=jdk.SystemProcess, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Operating System, Processor], description=null, id=342, label=CPU Information, name=jdk.CPUInformation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Operating System, Processor], description=null, id=343, label=CPU Time Stamp Counter, name=jdk.CPUTimeStampCounter, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Operating System, Processor], description=OS CPU Load, id=344, label=CPU Load, name=jdk.CPULoad, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, 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settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application, Statistics], description=null, id=348, label=Java Thread Statistics, name=jdk.JavaThreadStatistics, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application, Statistics], description=null, id=349, label=Class Loading Statistics, name=jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application, Statistics], description=null, id=350, label=Class Loader Statistics, name=jdk.ClassLoaderStatistics, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Application, Statistics], description=null, id=351, label=Thread Allocation Statistics, name=jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Operating System, Memory], description=OS Physical Memory, id=352, label=Physical Memory, name=jdk.PhysicalMemory, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Profiling], description=Snapshot of a threads state, id=353, label=Method Profiling Sample, name=jdk.ExecutionSample, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Profiling], description=Snapshot of a threads state when in native, id=354, label=Method Profiling Sample Native, name=jdk.NativeMethodSample, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime], description=null, id=355, label=Thread Dump, name=jdk.ThreadDump, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Runtime], description=null, id=356, label=Native Library, name=jdk.NativeLibrary, 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Code Sweeper], description=null, id=363, label=Code Sweeper Statistics, name=jdk.CodeSweeperStatistics, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=everyChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Code Sweeper], description=null, id=364, label=Code Sweeper Configuration, name=jdk.CodeSweeperConfiguration, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=365, label=Int Flag, name=jdk.IntFlag, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=366, label=Unsigned Int Flag, name=jdk.UnsignedIntFlag, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=367, label=Long Flag, name=jdk.LongFlag, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, 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Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=370, label=Boolean Flag, name=jdk.BooleanFlag, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, Flag], description=null, id=371, label=String Flag, name=jdk.StringFlag, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=null, id=372, label=Object Count, name=jdk.ObjectCount, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, 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description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=null, defaultValue=endChunk, description=Record event at interval, label=Period, name=period, typeName=jdk.settings.Period}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=Allocation of a ZPage, id=379, label=ZPage Allocation, name=jdk.ZPageAllocation, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=null, id=380, label=ZGC Thread Phase, name=jdk.ZThreadPhase, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=null, id=381, label=Z Statistics Counter, name=jdk.ZStatisticsCounter, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}, {categoryNames=[Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed], description=null, id=382, label=Z Statistics Sampler, name=jdk.ZStatisticsSampler, settingDescriptors=[{contentType=jdk.jfr.BooleanFlag, defaultValue=false, description=Record event, label=Enabled, name=enabled, typeName=jdk.settings.Enabled}, {contentType=jdk.jfr.Timespan, defaultValue=0 ns, description=Record event with duration above or equal to threshold, label=Threshold, name=threshold, typeName=jdk.settings.Threshold}]}] | |
- ObjectName | jdk.management.jfr:type=FlightRecorder | |
- Recordings | [] |